Salley’s Great Plan


Salley here with a bit of a conundrum. What do to about an end-of-the-year field trip? Each year, the school president is supposed to plan something really special for the school to do at the end of their term. But this year? I don’t really know. We’ve done so many special things already! I thought perhaps we could do a fun fair, but Stoogles said that would be too similar to the fall fair. I mentioned climbing Mount ‘Kinz, but Purr-Cilla said that most kids didn’t find trekking up a mountain fun.

Then I thought ‘what about a trip to the Big City? We could see a play, visit a museum, and eat somewhere fabulous…’

But then I realized: the Big City costs big KinzCash. I don’t know how we’d raise the money. So now I’m back to the ol’ drawing board.

If you could go anywhere for an end-of-the-year trip, where would you go, friends?

74 Responses to Salley’s Great Plan

  1. carla says:

    How about a camp out overnite

  2. Ceci says:

    my grade raised trout from eggs this year. We took our fish to a farm last week & released them into a stream. It was a cool lesson. Maybe you could think ahead about something like that for next year. Good luck!

  3. zojack says:

    How about the park? You can play games grill hot dogs an it would not need a lot of kinz cash it could be so much fun

  4. yellowforever says:

    How about a HUGE Treasure Hunt in Magical Forest, who knows what could happen there?

  5. Ideas says:

    You could go to the movies and watch the latest one………

  6. Fish Pal says:

    How about a trip to a lake? The students could go swimming, go out in boats, or just lay in the sun.

  7. mommysbabe19 says:

    Why not take them on a Road Trip to the Webkinz Van? It is so much fun and we are going to do it again this year.

  8. mommysbabe19 says:

    How about taking them on a road trip chasing the Webkinz Van? We did that and we are going to do it again this year! FUN FUN FUN

  9. Love Staffordshires says:

    Funnest place for a vacation besides Disneyland is Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Kanab, Utah. You will not want to go anywhere else for a vacation again because it’s a beautiful place to volunteer. Bring a good hat, sunscreen, a camera, a water bottle, & rent a hotel in Kanab that’s animal friendly in case you want to do a sleepover with a dog or cat & have FUN. I’ve been there 3 times now.

  10. maria says:

    well, i would have a bake sale!!!

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