School Council Minutes







Taken by: Stoogles

In Attendance: Salley, Purr-Cilla, Stoogles

Today’s meeting was attended by the entire school council. We met to discuss about prizes for the Fall Fair. As usual, there were two conflicting viewpoints:

Salley wants us to ask for donations. She’d like us to visit some of the business-Webkinz (like Fluffington and Chef Gazpacho) and ask to see if they’d be willing to give us either KinzCash or prize items. Fluffington is already donating to the cupcake competition, so I (Stoogles) am not sure that we should ask him again. Isn’t that kind of greedy?

Purr-Cilla, on the other hand, was TOTALLY against asking for donations. She thinks we should do some quick fundraising (although she couldn’t say how, exactly) and earn KinzCash to buy the prizes ourselves. Salley pointed out that we really don’t have time for this, and that donations would be easier. Plus, everyone always wants to donate to the Kinzville Academy.

We took a vote and I voted with Salley – we’re going to go and ask for donations. Purr-Cilla wished us luck, but said there was no way she was going to embarrass herself like that.

So, I guess it’s up to Salley and me!


18 Responses to School Council Minutes

  1. Cinderpelt says:

    Huh… Well, I like the meetings too and I’m glad they have them. Purr-Cilla, if you want others to listen and go with your ideas, start listening to others. ;) Pinky, that is a sort-of good idea. I mean, old toys are ok, but who would want old prizes and worn up toys? That would just make people say, “this fair stinks” because it looks like they did it all at the last minute. But maybe buy like $1 games and prizes. Good luck, Salley and Stoogles.


  2. MDIChickadee says:

    I am sorry to here it is still so divisive on the Council. Is there ever an option to do both ideas? Why does only one have to go forward? Do the asking (everyone does – the givers can say no if they like – and thank them whatever they do), and also some quick fund raisers: in my school, clubs sometimes have “brownie day” where everyone in the club bakes brownies or cookies and then sells them during lunch and recess (the sale is announced ahead of time so that the people can bring money …) And are there really only officers on the school council? Shouldn’t there be representatives from the class levels, too?

  3. lovepuppygirl says:

    I like your idea pinky.

  4. pinky says:

    how about giving away your own old toys, salley, stoogles, and purr-cilla?

  5. Gabriella♥ says:

    I’d donate some Kinzcash!

  6. me says:

    i vote with salley, stoogles, and anyone else on their side!

  7. webstar says:

    It is a good idea to take donations

  8. gymdog says:

    how about you put up donation boxes around Kinzville and the school and see what you get =)

  9. peppermintQueen1 says:

    i think it is so good that they are trying to raise money

    • starburst says:

      i would give you kinz cash!!!

      • SwedishLatte says:

        Great idea guys! And Stoogles, you don’t have to ask Fluffington again, there are plenty of other ‘Kinz that would be happy to donate I’m sure. Like Plumpy, Miss Birdy, or even Chef Gazpacho or Chef Sophia.

        • sarahandlacey says:

          I’ll give some kinz cash too! :lol:

          • Boston ROCKs...hmmph says:

            I hope I hear that Purrcilla gets out in the street with them soon…that’s incredibly rude that she’s the one in charge of the money, yet she makes them get it

          • lillyluvie says:

            I would totally donate Kinzcash to them! I have so much of it, I don’t know what to do with it! :D

            *Luv from LillyLuvie*

          • harrypotterrocks says:

            I’m so mad since you have to finish the academy challenge before you can do any of the others and I still have 13 days until i can go to recess!!!!!


        • TerrierDog says:

          You could send a letter to everyone in Kinzville asking (very very politely) for donations. List options (kinzcash, prizes, baskets to keep things in, food with ingredient lists, etc…) and when the festival will be. Sign it; From, Kinzville Academy Student Council.
          Good luck! (I like the student council minutes.)

        • Tumble says:

          Yeah, I agree, asking Fluffington again would be rude.

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