Secret Friendship Skill: Making Your Own Clubhouse







By Sparky Fact

When my friends in the ‘Kinz Crew and I were trying to figure out where we should have our clubhouse, we considered a lot of different options. We used to meet outside in Kinzville Park, but that just wasn’t working for us. I can’t decide what was worse – the rain or Purr-cilla.

A clubhouse could really be anywhere that you and your friends can gather comfortably for a meeting. Some types of clubs, like a soccer club, would be better off meeting outside. Some clubs, like a scrapbooking club, need a work area, like a large table. But not all clubs have specific requirements like that.

If you just want a private spot to meet, a fun way to create your own (temporary) clubhouse is a blanket draped over a dining table. Just grab a couple of flashlights and crawl underneath.

If the weather’s nice, you can take that same blanket outside have your clubhouse in a tent. Tie a long rope between two trees at about hip level and drape your blanket overtop. With four to six heavy rocks holding down the sides of your tent, you and your friends have an open air clubhouse that can travel with you.

A tree house makes an excellent clubhouse, and so does a crawlspace in your house. But with a ‘Meeting in Progress’ sign on the door to let intruders know to knock first, any spare room can function as your clubhouse. If it’s a room that doesn’t get used much, that’s all the better. Then you can decorate your clubhouse to reflect your club’s purpose.

But really, there are no limits to what makes a great clubhouse. You can crawl under a bush, climb up a tree or just gather ‘round the kitchen table. Because the most important parts of any clubhouse – are the members!

35 Responses to Secret Friendship Skill: Making Your Own Clubhouse

  1. doggy says:

    we have a clubhouse but were selling it soon

  2. Webkinzrock22 says:

    Friend me! My username is Fairyland22 and I’m throwing a party for friendship month, I’ll invite everyone that does!

  3. starfox says:

    I have a Cooking Club Our first meeting for my cousins and i will be when i get to Ohio. (Thats Where my cousins live.)
    I will give them a list of things they can make then we pick a recipie and make it!
    Then we make a craft and eat our food we cooked!!

  4. WolfGirl13 says:

    Aloha! My friend and i made a club house. See, my friend (i will not name fingers and point names) has a huge empty(no one uses it but us!! awesome) field infront of her house full of extra stuff like, planks of wood, rope w/or without hooks on the end, random pieces of this roofing stuff (it’s shiny and red), buttons and beads (for decorating), legos, and a TON of other stuff. Ok now on to the actual clubhouse. There is like this half circle of medium sized shrubs and we put the roof stuff ontop of those and the wood planks for like doors and stuff. We fasten it with ropes. we also hang things with the string.
    May your heart be true!

  5. xmaspuppy says:

    That’s cool:)
    P.S. did you add me on webkinz???

  6. Elizabeth says:

    how do you make a treehouse on webkinz???

  7. WebkinzWizard :) says:

    My sister and I have a little club with our friend. We used to meet up in a cool tree, which was inside a mini forest, but since our friend is gone for the summer, we won’t be having meetings for a while.
    -The *~WebkinzWizard~*

    • lillyluvie says:

      Yeah. I have a treehouse in my backyard. It connects to a small river and a big forest. Its so interesting back there because of all the wildlife and fish in the river! ~LillyLuvie* :)

    • xmaspuppy says:

      That’s really cool and sounds really fun. I wish I had a tree i could climb up in. What kind of club did you have?
      also please add me on webkinz my username is xmaspuppy:)

      • WebkinzWizard says:

        (It’s me, WebkinzWizard:), but I had to take the :) off because webkinz said that I was posting too quickly.)
        Our club is a reading and writing club. We would read books together and sometimes write about what we read, and write down little stories that we would make up. (Which is my favorite part)
        It’s a really fun club and even though our friend is away my sister and I still write down stories that we will be able to share once she comes back.
        The *~WebkinzWizard~*

  8. Splashpool says:

    Me and my two BFF’s made our own clubhouse! We used our two empty washer and dryer boxes! It’s perfect because we can write notes to each other on the walls!

    • Redstar says:

      Hey! That sounds cool. I llloooovvvve building forms and clubhouses in our spare bedroom. The room is small, so the furnature is close together. I use a bunch of huge blankets that I drape from the bed to the dresser, to the other dresser and i takes up almost the entire room! I use big clips to hold the blankets together, and then i bring in some pillows, lights, writing supplies, and games. When my friend comes over, we pretend to be spies that are hiding in an invisible camp. since the room in rarely used, the fort sometimes stays there for a month or two! Its really cool!


      P.S. sorry my note was so long!

  9. McKenna says:

    I really need a clubhouse, so are club can get put back together, maybe I can use one of these ideas.

  10. 47525 says:

    I badly need need a clubhouse my meetings are really getting out of hand maybe I’ll use one of these ideas.

    • Pizza Eating Time says:

      This is cool! Me and my friends have a clubhouse deep in the woods. There is a small clearing where we talk.
      Pizza Eating Time❤❤

    • MadiWolfClaw says:

      My brothers and I have one, but we don’t call it a clubhouse. We call it a… well, we don’t. We just explain what we’re talking about. My older brother is 17, I’m 13, and my little brother is 11, 12 on June 29.
      My dad might buy me 20,000 eStore points. If he can find cards at GameStop, I’ll buy a Fennec Fox! I’m excited.

    • CHOMPERS says:

      At the end of my street there is a jungly-forest and me and my BEST FRIEND found a HUGE BUSH and a hidden entrace!LOL we love to chit-chat all day in there, it’s cool. And we found some big sticks and we explore in the jungly-forest:) And sometimes we have pincone wars!!:) SORRY SO LONG

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