Some NEW Spring Style!

PJ Collie is happy to announce the arrival of some brand new clothes, just perfect for spring! Visit the KinzStyle Outlet and check out some of the coolest new styles, including the Draw String Cargo Pants and the Two Pocket Cuff Shirt – two good looks that look great together!

Our model looks all ready for spring!


67 Responses to Some NEW Spring Style!

  1. PIEPIE785 says:


  2. getting clothes now says:

    I love the new clothes! They are so adorable! I just bought some and I am putting them on my pink leopard now! She looks so cool and adorable!

  3. Sweetpea says:

    Great job on the clothes, Polly Jean Collie!

  4. Aplus says:


  5. weimgirl says:

    Its not my fav…. BUT IT IA SOO EXSPENSIVE!!!!

  6. 9igiveup says:

    Aw! The Graphic Knit Dress looks ugly on her. Anyone have a suggestion? Anyone?

  7. 9igiveup says:

    What do you think would look good on a Strawberry Cloud Leopard?

    • 9igiveup says:

      After you suggest something I will send you a gift if it looks good on her! My username is 9igiveup
      Become my friend if you want a gift. Thanks!

      • 9igiveup says:

        And it doesn’t have to be new clothes. It can be any from the Kinzstyle Outlet.

      • Scottiedog says:

        Maybe the Military Jacket or the Black pants with the pink strings hanging out. They look cute on my pet Hannah. Hope these look good on her. Oh by the way, I suggest you don’t use Sash Belt Pants one. It doesn’t look that great. It totally looks like the sash is behind your pet’s leg. LOL anyway my user is kioe1999 if you want to be friends.

  8. 9igiveup says:

    They are all so cool! I tjink I’ll buy the Graphic Knit Dress for my Strawberry Cloud Leopard, Streamdapple. If anyone wants to be friends my username is 9igiveup
    I will also send gifts to anyone who sends me a gift. The cooler the gift you give me, the cooler the gift I give you!

  9. Ivory says:

    SO COOL! I have been waiting for some new clothes. Also you ahould start making new clothing recipes. Oh and won more thing- maybe you could add some stuff to the tropical vacation, it has been the same for a while now. Like maybe some new vaction chat rooms or new bathing suits.

  10. Lovehorses21 says:

    OMG I LOVE THE MILITARY JEWEL SHIRT THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT WHY IS EVERYTHING SO EXPENSIVE?????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 :):):):):):):):):):):):):) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) ;) :) :) :) :d :d :d :d :dd: d: d: :D D:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :P :P :P :P :LP :P :P :P :P :P :P

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