Sparky Meets Gnomon











Dear Journal,

I’m totally digging the Adventure Park (I mean that in every sense!). The one thing I DON’T dig, though, is…well…Gnomon. Gnomon is a groundhog – and he’s sort of annoying. He’s always trying to tell everyone how to do everything – and he thinks he knows it all!  I’m not saying I’m an expert in the Adventure Park (although I sort of am), but I do know a thing or two. And Gnomon – well, he doesn’t.  He’s also got a really bad temper – if you ever disagree with him, he gets super-grumpy. I guess Gnomon is the only not-so-good thing about the Clouds. Otherwise, they’re amazing!

Your pal,


20 Responses to Sparky Meets Gnomon

  1. rosiemcsnoodle says:

    hey i have a mini-quest but no one to send it too, but i really want to go dig some more so send me your mini-quests and the first person to send me one will get mine!

  2. furrycat98 says:

    It said “Sparky meets Gnomon” for the title, but the journal was signed by Stoogles. Who really met Gnomon?

  3. francinejellybean says:

    did anyone else notice the letter is supposed to be from sparky but it is signed stoogles.

  4. Polar Berry says:

    Did anyone else notice that it says SPARKY meets Gnomon? But the letter is signed by STOOGLES. (Sorry for caps. It was meant to be like ittalics.) Have a great summer before school starts! And good luck for the future!
    -Polar Berry [{*}] :mrgreen:
    Friend me: cosa123
    Sorry, I can’t attend parties.

  5. candyrocks78 says:

    I JUST WON THE WACKY AIR BALLOON im soo happy!!!!! :)

  6. live*laugh*love=happiness says:

    OMG!!!! I just got the Wacky Zingoz trophy with 601.3!!! :)

  7. live*laugh*love=happiness says:

    He doesn’t look mean in th pic. But I guess you can’t judge by appearence. I think Stoogles should tell him that he can be mean sometimes and ask him to stop. ;)

  8. SUPERYOSHI54321 says:

    Stoogles! Just shun him! You have the power to ignore!

  9. Chole785± says:

    WERE DID ALL THE COMMENTS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Heatherstem says:

    I’d be grumpy, too, if some random dog dropped by for a visit.

    • lillyluvie says:

      Gnomon is great! :D I think he just needs to loosen up a little and have fun in the Adventure
      Park. ;) I like his clothes too, lol. :mrgreen: *Luv from LillyLuvie* p.s. Where did the comments go??

    • Northwestern says:

      Well, it is a park, and he is a special character, so I guess he has to deal with it. :roll: I guess he wishes they asked first, but it’s too late now.

      • Moonstar says:

        Yah. . . I’d be upset if some random Pet came and started talking to me. I do already! ;) Hey guys, need more quests! I am totally out! Send me a quest!!
        Yay, I finally found a Black Lab . . . Way happy! I’ll maybe have gotten it by Thurs. or Fri. -Moonstar◙◙◙

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