Sparky’s Summer


You guys will NEVER guess what I started today…swimming lessons! They are SO much fun, I can hardly believe it. Uncle Arte said that since I’ve been such a good sport about helping out at the Curio Shop (OK, OK, I’ve complained a FEW times, but whatever), he wanted to give me an extra special treat. He signed me up for swimming lessons. Initially, I was all, “Um, Uncle Arte? I know how to swim. Sort of.” But really? I didn’t know any of the strokes…and I definitely couldn’t swim for very long. The lessons I’m taking are for kids who have some experience and know the basics, but could stand to learn a bit more. And guess what? It’s SO much fun. We had races in the pool, we practiced holding our breath underwater, and we even learned the backstroke! I can’t wait for next week – by the end of the summer, I’m going to be a swimming expert!

42 Responses to Sparky’s Summer

  1. Scoobarificus says:

    I hope you learn Butterfly! It is my favorite stroke!

  2. lovepuppygirl says:

    Good for you Sparky!!!!!

  3. alexisf2 says:

    I did swimming lessons once. They were so fun! well, they were until the swim coach made me hold my breath under water for what felt like 16 years!

  4. Gabriella♥ says:

    @ winner, that’s really impressive! I’m a good swimmer, but not under pressure. That’s why I don’t like swimming races (unless they’re just for fun), and whenever I’m just thrown into the water, it takes a while for me to adjust. ♥

  5. CoconutCloud says:

    I’m Swimmer 8. What are you guys? (It’s OK if you don’t want to say it, I’m just curious) ~CC~

  6. winner says:

    I won ten out of ten of my races i won them all i won real gold metals and trophies out of all of them i did not do dog paddle i did front crawl, back crawl, dolphin kick, and a whole lot more i am going to nationals

  7. _Dovwing- says:

    I swim at my neighborhood pool and it’s so fun! i love it!

    • random says:

      @ _Dovwing_, ur lucky that u have a neighborhood pool! my mom knows someone that has a neighborhood pool, n when i was little, i often went to her house 4 her 2 babysit me, n the pool was so fun. i especially love floating on the pool noodles. -random

  8. fanofthefrog7 says:

    I’m great at the back stroke! Have Fun Sparky.

  9. rsaaa1 says:

    I love swimming, I’m on swim team and everything. Hope you have tons of more fun.

  10. lovebugs131 says:

    I’m sure you could beat me in swimming Sparky. My doggie paddle is faster than my strokes.

    • SapphireSea says:

      Yeah, I’m not much good at swimming, either. I just doggie-paddle, or maybe a lousy frog-kick. I did have lessons once, though. I don’t get to swim much anyway, maybe if I did I’d get better. ;) ~~O~~SapphireSea~*~*~

      • krystalkat says:

        Sparky, the only strokes you need to remember are butterfly, backstroke, breathstroke, and freestyle. You’ll get the hang of it, Ive been swimming for 7 years so if you need any help Im there. And Im on the swimteam. And once you get the hang of it, they will teach you how to do flips off the wall, its really fun! ;) ~KK♥

        • Dragonfire says:

          @kyrstalkat- you don’t need to know all of those strokes, unless you are on swim team. Otherwise, you only need to know one stroke that doesn’t take up too much of your energy, like backstroke, so that way you can survive a boat sink-age. That’s all you really need to know. I don’t like swim instructors, but friend has had it worse. Once, a swim teacher almost/did make her choke. Also, a swim teacher picked her up by the ankles. Once she was learning flips in the water. Right before she was going to take a big breath a flip, her teacher flipped her, and as she was to come up and get much needed air, her teacher flipped her again, and she CHOCKED ON WATER! another time, a different teacher was teaching diving, and she picked her up by the ankles, then droped her in. My friend now has a fear of diving and flipping.

          • krystalkat says:

            Dragonfire, Well mostly need to know freestyle since most people know it nut I guess you have a point there. Im really sorry to hear. My coaches dont really do that, but they make you swim until you’re exhausted. Like make you do a 800 (which is 36 laps) and make you do 2 laps without breathing AT ALL and if you do take a breath, you have to do 20 situps. Its pretty hard. ~KK♥

          • Moonstar says:

            That’s cool Krystalkat. I just do competitive soccer (like, really competitive, it’s to win, not have fun). But I enjoy swimming for fun. (At practice, we do 3 miles as a warm up, 500 situps, another mile, a mile is 4 laps, then 40 pushups) :) -MoonstarΦΦΦ

          • krystalkat says:

            Thanks Moonstar, I do soccer too but just not as much. Its a Fall/Winter thing for me. Haha, I do all kinds of sports in different seasons! Tennis in the Summer, Volleyball in Spring, and Dance and swimming is all year round! Fun! Wow, 4 miles! Im not big on running (sooo tireding), but I enjoy swimming and twirling!

          • Northwestern...we're back! says:

            I can do all the strokes, but I’m only good at the dog paddle! ;)

          • Strawberry Starburst says:

            That’s cool krystalkat. The same thing happened 2 me yesterday. I was at a water park. I was doing this river/lifejacket thing at the water park. & my 15 year old brother grabbed on 2 my ankles & flipped me over & forgot 2 pull me out of the water again so I stayed there 4 30 seconds. When he finally pulled me out I was steaming mad @ him & was choking & coughing SO hard. So lesson is, STAY AWAY FROM BOYS! No offense boys here. $Strawberry_Starburst$

        • Nerd Herd's #1 Fan says:


          • Northwestern...I guess I missed a lot on my vacation says:

            Wow Sparky, if I do the advanced strokes, I always end up with water up my nose even if I’m doing it right. So I always do the dog paddle when I swim.

    • Stargazer says:

      Great! I’m glad Sparky is having a good summer. And speaking about swimming- I have a small pool in my backyard and it’s so fun to swim in! I started swimming underwater this year- before I was kinda scared of going underwater because of an incident- and I’m having so much fun! I hope every1 else is having a super summer! :mrgreen: -Stargazer

      • RainbowRain* says:

        I have a pool too, Stargazer! Right now we are trying to teach our dog to swim :D I’m a pretty good swimmer, because I have swam almost every summer we have had it. Its an in-ground, so we don’t have to put it up each year. Sparky those swimming lessons sound awesome! I knew it would pay off working at the Curio shop. On another note, I might take gymnastics when school starts! I’m SO excited! ~~Rainbow*Rain~~

    • PhoenixWind says:

      Don’t worry Sparky. I know survival swimming (swimming simply to survive), but I don’t know any of the fancy stuff like backstroke and butterfly and all. My friends do. ~Phoenix Wind~

      • Fuzzy Fries says:

        I agree phoenixwind survival swimming is very important.Strokes are good show to your friends.I had swimming lessions last year,now I know freestyle and backstroke but i’m relearning breathstroke now.Have fun swimming sparky!

    • nihao9 says:

      Hope your swimming lessons go well Sparky! That’s great! But, I kinda do have a confession to make;it’s that I’m a really good swimmer and all, but, I’m just not crazy over it at all. Sorry everyone,but I’m not that type. I went swimming with a lot of my friends in the summer, and it was not bad at all, in matter of fact, but I’m just not in to it. Your Friend ~nihao9~! ♥

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