Sparky’s Test









Okay, I know I failed my math test last weke and you’re probly going to say that I shod study for my speling test that’s coming up, but hear’s the thing: I am totally awsum at speling. I know I allways study for speling tests allot and youll say that’s why I do alrite on them, but my favrite TV Chrismas moovy is on tonite! Plus it’s Chrismas! I don’t want to think about skool at the hollidays. So I’m shure I’ll do ok if I don’t bothur studying for this one. Just this wunce. As I sed I’m awsum at speling. You wate – I’ll do grate.

Oh, and don’t tell Alex. He ushully proofreads my storys for me befor I post them but I know heel get mad about me not studdying so I’m not showing his this wun.

84 Responses to Sparky’s Test

  1. PrincessLunaIsDaBomb says:

    Number of misspelled words: 33! (I actually counted)

  2. Mae says:

    WOW!! OMG Study Dude!

  3. Jinx57 says:

    Sparky, my prediction for your spelling test is….you are TOAST. You should really study.

  4. nantasket says:

    Sparky, you really should study you misspelled over 30 words.

  5. Pianogal says:

    No offence Sparky but… concider this test failled!

  6. Meebas4343 says:

    Hehe and I am the only one who got 100% on the math test! :roll: I am more smart than a dog LOL
    { KIRBY IS WATCHING YOU!} (>”)> @hh!

  7. Meebas4343 says:

    LOL he got an F and I always get an A+ haha!

  8. Cinderpelt says:

    Sparky you’re a terriable speller! You REEEAAALLYY need to study. Even if it’s your favorite movie, you still need to study! Remember how mad Uncle Arte was? He’s probably not going to get you a good gift if you fail this test. Take my advice!!Santakinz is watching…..


  9. WebkinzPro says:

    Sparky, you really, really, REALLY need to study. >.< Yes, maybe some things may seem more important than school and studying, but they're really not. Remember, just because it's the holidays doesn't mean that you can goof off instead. (Unless you have Christmas vacation/Winter break from the Academy. ;))

    Remember! StanaKinz is watching you, and he probably wants you to do well in school! :mrgreen:

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