Spectacular Sagittarius

Between November 23 and December 21, Sagittarius is the ruling sign.

To be friends with someone born under Sagittarius is a great thing. Sagittarians tend to be loyal, positive and energetic. You definitely want this person on your side! Sagittarians can sometimes be modest or even a little bit shy, so don’t forget to remind your Sagittarian friend to be themselves and show the world how fantastic they really are!

Meet the Sagittarius Buck in the Ganz eStore!

39 Responses to Spectacular Sagittarius

  1. trixy13579 says:

    omg that describes me… how? i’m not a saggitarus, i’m a cancer… oh but people don’t have to remind me to be me. i’m always me, and i’m proud i’m not like anyone else! oh and ps: that pet is CUTE y’all! :P

  2. frenchtrotter says:

    I’m a sagittarius too! the description fits me perfectly!

  3. Dog Lover says:

    I am a sagittarius and I am JUST LIKE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!

  4. Bamakitty77 says:

    I’m the only sagittarius in my family!!! (!) awsome!

  5. Alex says:


  6. alycia says:

    my birthday is dec 8th. and everything they said about saggittarius ppl is so true about me. im loyal and positive and also shy at times. i so hope i can get the saggittarius buck. :P

  7. Ahsoka says:

    I wish I was a sagittarius! I’m a capricorn and missed out on being sagittarius by only a few days!! I like sagittarius because thats the hunter and I like hunting.

  8. mer says:

    Who’s seeing HOP this weekend??? Sounds funny!!

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