Spring Room Makeover!

Nibbles was getting tired of her old room. “It was too babyish,” she told us. “And it was SO cluttered. I definitely  needed some help with decorating! I called in the best pig for the job – Wiggles!”

Wiggles (with the help of Violet – one of his assistants) worked his magic and turned this:








Into this:









“It’s perfect!” Nibbles cheered. “It’s so springy and bright and I LOVE it!” We do too, Nibbles!

45 Responses to Spring Room Makeover!

  1. gwenrocks says:

    Very Springy. But I liked the one before the makeover. :P

  2. JESSICA says:

    i love the CAREMEL LION!!!!
    And i have it. PLEASE be my firend,
    it is- heritag12345.well see you around.
    i LOVE having firends!!!

  3. homekid8 says:

    I heart that design. <3 It is so amazing

  4. Indygirlaec says:

    That room is so amazingly awesomely cutely adorable! I love it! :)

  5. MadeToLove♫ says:

    Actuality they both look pretty.

  6. hopeprestock says:

    I love that the room theme was totally changed and ready for spring.A tip to webkinz lovers out there spring is around the corner so get all the spring things you can.My username is newwebkinzrock1 (there is supposed to be 2 w’s by the way)
    if u want to be f’s in webkinz world.

  7. TheWebkinzWarrior says:

    I don’t like how Nibble’s stuffed animals are gone. Waah.

  8. jjamerson says:

    needs more green!!!!

  9. Jessica says:

    very springy!!!! PLEAES BE ADED TO MY FIRENDS LIST heritag12345

  10. lilyaurora says:

    It’s pretty, but she no longer has any toys or storage space. I hope she doesn’t miss them.

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