Springy Kangaroo Winners

Congratulations to Kaitlin12349, wilbur21, myjohn8, phoneruby and lilmonkeydan, our randomly selected winners! They’ve each been sent a Secret Code for a virtual Springy Kangaroo, May’s Pet of the Month!

Adopt the Pet of the Month any time in May to get a Pet of the Month loot bag, filled with prizes and a surprise you can’t get anywhere else.

50 Responses to Springy Kangaroo Winners

  1. TigerKinzKG says:

    CONGRATS!!! I hope you enjoy your new pets!

  2. lunateaghan says:

    I wish I had won. But, congrats to everyone who DID win! #TimberWolfForTheWin

  3. griffoned says:

    Randomly Selected? That is so unfair. Might as well makes all ten answers “A bag of trash”

  4. BrightnSinging2Carrots says:

    Congratulations to all the winners!!!! :)

  5. DoodleGirl09 says:

    Wow, congrats! My sister got the plush pet yesterday. I’m also DoodleGirl09 on webkinz world.

  6. Steadykid says:

    great job guys and gals

  7. kakenta says:

    Cool! Congrats to all

  8. georgette829 says:

    congratulations to all

  9. FennecFox says:

    Congrats, winners! I entered this contest, and obviously didn’t win. This kangaroo was so adorable!

  10. TaffyKitty12 says:

    Congrats to everyone who won the kangaroo! I, unfortunately, wasn’t able to enter because I got the math question incorrect (I now realized my mistake, so I’ll be able to enter in this next contest). Anyways, congrats to all of the winners! Oh, and I know this is so off topic, but I got a plum porcupine, Magic W pup, Mini Pinscher, and the ginger bunny yesterday for my birthday! Okay, my birthday is not until later this month, but I celebrated it yesterday. (I’m going on a trip to Florida soon, so I was going to celebrate it with my dad, who isn’t able to go).

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