Stoogles’ Journal Page



Hey Journal!

It’s me, Stoogles! I’m so excited because it’s August!  August is THE best month of the year (as far as I’m concerned) because it’s right smack in the middle of my favorite season: summer! I LOVE SUMMER! My favorite thing is the Googles BBQ that happens in mid-August…but my second-favorite thing is the fun I always have with my friends. Salley got this really neat picture in the mail earlier today, and I was wondering who sent it…and then, when I opened my mailbox, I found this:









So…now I’m SUPER-curious. Where do you think it’s from? What do you think it is? Salley and I have some ideas – and we totally can’t wait for our ‘Kinz Crew meeting on Tuesday afternoon to discuss it with our friends!

Until next time!


23 Responses to Stoogles’ Journal Page

  1. MoonDancer says:

    It’s a piece of the map to Adventure Park.

  2. manahil says:

    you and sally both got a piece try putting it together to see adventure park good luck

  3. Elisha=Dancer/Actor/Singer says:

    I agree with magicplastic.

  4. magicplastic says:

    It’s part of a map.

    Randomly yours,

    - magicplastic

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