T-Shirt Designer Contest Winners

Congratulations to Amye, Rachel, Kenna, Madeline and Caitlin! They’ve each been awarded a KinzStyle Shopping Bag. We wanted to see your designing skills with the T-Shirt Designer and the theme was friendship! Check out the winning designs below.






60 Responses to T-Shirt Designer Contest Winners

  1. WaterSafari78 says:

    Sighs…..Lost again? Man! I worked really hard on my t-shirt and i am bummed about losing after all that effort

  2. WaterSafari78 says:

    Sighs, lost again, i thought i had it too. I had a really awesome design, too. I post entries as Wendy by the way and I never ever see that name or any of my designs on the winners.

  3. Holland says:

    Your artclie was excellent

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