The ‘Kinz Make a Startling Discovery


Oh my gosh! It’s Sally Cat and do I ever have some freaky news to share with you! Sparky and Alex went back to that haunted shipwreck that we discovered the day of Sparky’s party. Why did they go back? It’s a mystery to me! Apparently they had another spooky experience, despite Alex’s insistence that there is some scientific reason for the noises and the shaking.

So today Stoogles and I decided to do a little research. We went to the library to check and see if there were any reported cases of a haunted shipwreck on the shores of Kinzville. And guess what? It turns out that for years there have been cases of strange happenings around that lake! Residents of Kinzville have reported seeing a ghostly creature floating around the lake, groaning as if in pain! Theories are that it is the Pirate Ghost, searching for his lost love!

How wild is that? I think that what we heard the other day were the sobs of the heartbroken Ghost Pirate! A real live (well, dead) ghost – right here in Kinzville!

16 Responses to The ‘Kinz Make a Startling Discovery

  1. Relient says:


  2. honeydew605 says:

    this is like the ghost on the tropical island vacation don’t rock the boat! lol

  3. CoconutCloud says:

    Well, of COURSE he’s moaning in pain! He’s in search of his long lost love! Romantic…. ~CC~

  4. Gabriella♥ says:

    A ghost in a wreck searching for his lost love…? Seriously? OK, I know it’s almost Halloween, but this is totally off. ♥Gabriella♥

  5. BuffaloGirl14075 says:

    I believe ghosts could exist in Webkins World, if they can exist anywhere.

  6. Skiddly says:

    Hmm… I don’t think it’s a ghost. I think there will end up being a logical explanation to all this. I agree with Alex. There’s always an answer to everything.

  7. cathouse2 says:

    Was it really a ghost? A ghost in Kinzville? That’s really spooky and cool! >>cathouse2

  8. BunnyCarrothunter1 says:

    LOL it’s like Valentine’s Day and Halloween into one. MY FAVORITE

  9. QuteCukie says:

    NO WAY!!!! The gost has a lost love!!

  10. TennesseeFrogs says:

    Well if it really is the ghost, it’s not a surprise to me. It certainly seems logical.

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