The Games Are Over!






Well, that was a TON of fun! The Games are over and everyone is still talking about the two most wonderful stories of the day…but first, the results of the soccer game: green team wins! Hooray to extra dessert!

In relay news, the blue and red teams tied – so they’ll be getting to avoid camp chores tomorrow (lucky!).


OK, so here’s awesome story number one: remember how Bennie sprained his wrist? Well, it definitely was NOT better in time for the canoeing event, so Sparky got to choose ANYONE else in camp to help him win the race – and he chose Ivy! Even though Fluffington wasn’t TOO happy about letting her participate, Sparky convinced him – and they won! I think they’re definitely friends again – hooray!


And awesome story number two: the winner of our Rock Paper Scissors championship is none other than our very own…Roberta Rabbit! She successfully defeated all other opponents and made it to the top. Great job, Roberta!


Well, I’d say that’s another successful Camp Games! Until next time, friends!

28 Responses to The Games Are Over!

  1. tales123456789 says:

    congratulations Roberta

  2. ~Belle~ says:

    Okay good for sparky and ivy?? haha there not real so why does it matter?? But ivy the duck is cute

  3. bearachick98 says:

    I am SO happy that Ivy and Sparky are friends again. It was a good thing, and a bad thing that Benny sprained his wrist. Well good job to all campers!

  4. allib2000 says:

    I knew you could do it Roberta!!!
    Congrats to all!

  5. justin bieber and boisequeen says:

    Since when do camps have chores??? If they had chores at my camp, I wouldnt go.

  6. luvheartbear says:


  7. tammy says:

    great job everyone! i hope benny is ok and great job roberta hope everyone had fun!

  8. Webkinzrocks22 says:

    Awesome! But, poor Benny!

  9. Addict502 says:

    I think it was a good story. Congratulations to the winners! $~Addict502~$

  10. Pleasepleasepleaseplease says:

    yay sparky and ivy!!! i never liked bennie anyway-he’s to “ohhh look at me, me me me i’m the best yes that’s right me me me”

    • Moonstar says:

      I am a little surprised that Sparky forgave Ivy so easily, I am glad though! I sprained my wrist a few days ago. I am a goalie and I caught a fly ball wrongly, making my hand spin back.
      Hey guys, I am back! Sorry for leaving without any notice. I was at a friends beach house and my mom didn’t let me go one before to inform you guys! ! -Moonstar◙◙◙

      • Northwestern says:

        I’m going to camp this summer. Tomarrow actually. I hope I don’t end up like Sparky with those pranks. Sparky is such a good sport

        • lillyluvie says:

          The games are over! :) Hope they were fun, because they sound awesome!! :mrgreen:
          *Luv from LillyLuvie* P.S. I had my play again tonight! It went even better then yesterday night! :D

      • 4 moonstar says:

        sorry about that moonstar! also, can i friend you? what is your username? i can send you gifts. i asked 4 ur username, bcause i don’t like giving out mine.

    • lynxlover says:

      I still feel bad for Benny but he deserved it kinda. Good for Ivy and Sparky! looks like they’ll be having some fun together. Go Roberta! I’m glad she found something to do well instead of being “sick” and stuck in her cabin. ~*+lynxlover+*

      • *Roseluvr* says:

        I’m so glad that Ivy and Sparky are friends again, and go Roberta for winning the Rock Paper Scissors contest! I feel sorry for Benny though, even if he is a trouble-maker.

    • sparklegirlLT says:

      Welcome back Moonstar! Yay for Sparky and Ivy! I’m so glad that Roberta won Rock Paper Scissors. I kind of thought she would.

    • Alexa says:

      There should be a webkinz camp for real ,we could do all of those things and bring some of our webkinz

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