The Games Are Over!






Well, that was a TON of fun! The Games are over and everyone is still talking about the two most wonderful stories of the day…but first, the results of the soccer game: green team wins! Hooray to extra dessert!

In relay news, the blue and red teams tied – so they’ll be getting to avoid camp chores tomorrow (lucky!).


OK, so here’s awesome story number one: remember how Bennie sprained his wrist? Well, it definitely was NOT better in time for the canoeing event, so Sparky got to choose ANYONE else in camp to help him win the race – and he chose Ivy! Even though Fluffington wasn’t TOO happy about letting her participate, Sparky convinced him – and they won! I think they’re definitely friends again – hooray!


And awesome story number two: the winner of our Rock Paper Scissors championship is none other than our very own…Roberta Rabbit! She successfully defeated all other opponents and made it to the top. Great job, Roberta!


Well, I’d say that’s another successful Camp Games! Until next time, friends!

28 Responses to The Games Are Over!

  1. fjghg123 says:

    Cool! :) Lucky Ivy!

  2. dawndrop16 says:

    Yay, Roberta! It was sweet of Sparky to pick Ivy. :) -Dawndrop*

  3. Swag says:

    i am confused

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