The ‘Kinz are Headed to Camp!







Hey, readers! It’s me, Salley Cat! I am so excited! We are on the bus headed to camp! It is going to be so much fun!

Alex is so excited because his best friend, April, is going to be there. He and Sparky are sitting right behind me on the bus and it’s hard to write because Sparky keeps making Alex laugh with silly faces. Once he made Alex laugh so much that milk came out of his nose!!!

Roberta and Cowabelle are giggling together at the front of the bus. I sure hope they get to be in the same cabin – otherwise the two of them will be unbearable to be around.

Ugh! We just made another stop and guess who got on? Purr-cilla. Oh no – I really hope I’m not in the same cabin as her this year! Purr-cilla and I are like oil and water. We do not mix!

Oh, but here comes Stoogles! I saved him a seat next to me, so I’d better sign off for now.  I’ll catch up with you later!

Hmmm… Polly looks a bit upset about something. Maybe I should go and talk to her.

25 Responses to The ‘Kinz are Headed to Camp!

  1. 'kinz girl says:

    I love going camping!!!!
    We go in the summertime!!!!
    Are OUR Webkinz allowed to go camping too????

  2. Muffy254 says:

    I going to camp this year too only a couple more weeks I can’t wait to go i’m going to with one of my Best Friends yay! : )

  3. Sukhman says:

    Are OUR webkinz allowed to go to summer camp?

  4. MDIChickadee says:

    Have fun!!

  5. MADDIET says:

    I wish my webkinz could go to camp that would be so amazing! I miss going to camp it was a lot of fun. :)

  6. imeeyore says:

    cAN wE gO tO cAmP?

  7. Firestar says:

    awesome! i am going to an animal camp! so excited!

  8. kinzgal says:

    I like Purr-cilla the best! (I don’t really know why…) ~kinzgal :)

    • txwebkinzgal173 says:

      Hi Kinzgal!!!!!!!!!!
      My friend might become a deluxe member, but she isn’t on wkn, and she needs a few pointers. I think you are deluxe, so can you tell us what it is like, and why you like it?????
      By the way, I think Purr-Cilla is pretty

  9. PebblesSmokeyRules says:

    I wonder why Polly’s upset…

  10. SharBearious says:

    Cool! I remember when I used to go to summer camp. I like girl scout camp better :)

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