This Just in from the Obvious Department!

We’ve got some very obvious news to share. Here it is: looking for clues can be sometimes tricky. It’s not as easy as you might think. There are tricks, of course – some are quite clear. Except those that aren’t. Really, it’s always a bit of a challenge. I think the best thing to do is keep your eyes open all the time. Curiosity is a good thing to have. Eagle eyes also help.

275 Responses to This Just in from the Obvious Department!

  1. Alexandria says:

    It’s totally White Rice!

  2. Candycat609 says:

    It’s OBVIOUS. It’s white rice! Let’s all add it to our lists, folks! *Write write write*

  3. Recipehunter says:

    If you add white rice,waffles,and fudge,on the stovetop,you get symphoscone!

  4. Lainie the signature golden retriver (small) says:

    guess what? I clicked open in a new tab (picture) and it said the name of the food !
    XD lol

  5. webkinzbean says:

    i know what it is!! look at every first letter of each sentence W-H-I-T-E R-I-C-E white rice which i know almost like a cheat to these things!!!

  6. yellowlionking says:

    im i seeing a dog

  7. MDIChickadee says:

    *IF* fudge is the last ingredient, then we have:
    white rice + waffles + fudge = symphoscone on the stove top
    NOTE: I do not know if fudge is the last ingredient or not.

  8. Angel says:

    yeah……. it’s totally white rice. almost everyone is right, all the capitol letters spell white rice. by the way, is this some kind of contest or something?????? could someone pleaaasee reply to my question??? =/ pleaaassseeee?! =D

    • boomadeyoujump says:

      This is a contest where you look at posts and find different foods, three for each day (they make a recipe), then, on tuesday (I think) you tell Chef Gazpacho what the recipes are called and how to make them, and 10 random people will get a silk sparrow, and 10 other random people will get a sparkling pegasus. Hope I helped! :)

    • opal12 says:

      Yes,this is a contest.It’s to find Chef Gazpacho’s missing recipes.There are three recipes so far.Just look at any weird ads or articles related to food.Once you find all the recipes you get a chance to win a Sparkling Pegasus or a Silk Sparrow.I think you enter the recipes on the 23rd.There are clues everyday.Hope this helps.
      P.S.Keep notes.

    • granny says:

      Yes this is a contest. You find ingredients on the newz and then next Wednesday you can tell the Chef the ingredients and titles of the food. There are six recipes to solve. Hope this helps.

    • Kenzicle says:

      It is a recipe contest… :)

    • chris says:

      yes it is. we find clues to recipes and in the end we get to enter a contest to try and win a webbie.

    • no name says:

      No. It’s not a contest. It’s a thing where you try to find clues to an answer to get a prize(a silk sparrow and some thing else). Does that answer your question?

  9. cbjordy101 says:

    It is whitee rice.

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