Tinker Chimera Writing Contest

Would you like to win a Tinker Chimera? All you have to do is enter our Tinker Chimera contest! Entries will be accepted from this Friday until Sunday, but you can start thinking about what you want to write now.

Contest description:

The chimera is a mythical creature made up of several other animals — what’s the craziest combination of animals you can think of? Tell us about your chimera in a 1000 characters or less, and you could win one of 5 eStore exclusive Tinker Chimera codes!


Be sure to enter by visiting the Contest page starting Friday, August 28!

Stay tuned to Webkinz Newz to learn how you can get your very own Tinker Chimera.

50 Responses to Tinker Chimera Writing Contest

  1. DarkerShadows8866 says:

    I’ve got a question about the contest, do you want us to describe what the chimera we create does and what it looks like or can we just list a bunch of random animals?

  2. samantha143298 says:

    can i use the golden fawn code that i got in may?

  3. cats1000000 says:

    I think this animal is adorable!!!

  4. TULUKEE says:

    Do we email our entres?

  5. Dito2u says:

    I just want to clarify, it’s 1000 characters, not 1000 words?

  6. polaroid3 says:

    Hi Sally Webkinz, are you new? I’m so excited for this contest!!!

  7. migrubbs says:

    Since the Tinker Chimera is a contest pet, won’t it be in the Tinkerpunk Set like the other Deluxe Pets?

    • Sally Webkinz says:

      The Tinker Chimera is not a prize-only pet :) We’re just giving some away like we give away the Pet of the Month pets.

      • migrubbs says:

        OK. Here’s some good ones. Bumble lion: Half bumblebee and half lion.
        Butterbear: Half bear and half butterfly.
        Eleroo: Half elephant and half kangaroo.
        Moosel: Half moose and half seal.
        Hoppopotamus: Half rabbit, half hippopotamus.
        Rhinokey: Half rhinoceros and half monkey. With a rhino-like snout and rhino-like legs.
        Tycoon: Half tiger and half raccoon.
        Piggypine: Half pig and half porcupine.
        Koalakeet: Half koala and half parakeet.
        Pandeaver: Half panda and half beaver.
        Woolrus: Half sheep and half walrus.
        Skowl: Half skunk and half owl.
        Chipadillo [Chipmunk / Armadillo]
        Foxee [Fox / Zebra]
        Kittypen [Kitten / Penguin]
        Moofly [Cow / Butterfly]
        Peepsqueak [Mouse / Bird]
        Pupling [Puppy / Duck]

  8. I3reezy says:

    Hmm, I’m gonna really have to put a lot of thought into this one!

  9. TaffyKitty12 says:

    I have a question: do we just write about what animals it’s made up of, or do we write a story about it and tell about what it does with the features it got from other animals? Sorry, I was just curious because I was going to write a rough draft of it out today so I can type it up easily tomorrow.

  10. TaffyKitty12 says:

    This is so cool! I’m definitely going to enter this contest! Good luck to everyone! ;)

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