Tissue Paper Flower Wreath

What you need: tissue paper in pastel colors, scissors, green pipe cleaners, large piece of cardboard, craft glue, green paper, craft glue





What you do:

1.       Trace a large dinner plate onto the piece of cardboard. Cut it out. Have an adult assistant help you cut out the middle, so you’ve got a two-inch edge all around. This is the wreath form.

2.       Open up your sheets of tissue paper. Cut the sheets in half, then in half again.

3.       Stack six of the small tissue paper sheets. You can use the same color, or alternate colors to make a really colorful flower.

4.       Fold the stack of paper, accordion style.

5.       Wrap the top of a pipe cleaner around the middle of the accordion-folded paper.

6.       Working one layer at a time, fluff up the tissue paper.

7.       Cut out leaves from your green paper.

8.       Glue green leaves all over your wreath form.

9.       Wrap the pipe cleaner around your wreath form. If you want, you can use craft glue to help hold your flower in place. Make lots of flowers for your wreath!

10.   When your wreath is all done, you can hang it up!

39 Responses to Tissue Paper Flower Wreath

  1. Awesomeanity says:

    Oooh, that’s looks so cool! My username is: ssamme98 ADD ME PLEASE!

  2. moonstream says:

    when me and my sis were little we made individual flowers like that and we pretended one of us was getting married.

    smiley testing:

    :mrgreen: :oops: :D=:D:+)

    Thanks Lays! Get your smile on! for the smileys!!!!!!!!!!

  3. kath1025 says:

    Thx Justice!

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