Today’s Clothing Prize: Zodiac Fire Costume Bottom


Keep your eyes out for something floating around Webkinz Newz! If you’re lucky enough to see the spinning Zodiac Dial today, just give it a click and you can win the Zodiac Fire Costume bottom! This piece will look awesome with the Zodiac Fire Costume Top you got yesterday! Be back tomorrow for your chance to get the Zodiac Fire Costume Shoes!

Check out more awesome Zodiac items and Pets at the Ganz eStore!

Check out the Zodiac New Year Event schedule here!

222 Responses to Today’s Clothing Prize: Zodiac Fire Costume Bottom

  1. toystory says:

    i got the shirt yesterday and i have not got the pants yet but i know i will get them

  2. sarah says:

    The fire suit is so cool so give it to me! Just kiding

    • LUVER says:

      OMG I DIDNT GET THE PANTS YESTERDAY I 4GOT……………………………………..DANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAH IM MAD AT MYSELF 4 FORGETTN THE SHIRT YESTERDAY:(:(:(:(:(

  3. livieloo8 says:

    I love the new costumes….but why wont a zodiac sign come flying by? grrrrrrr

  4. kittykat2 says:

    I have been on for half hour and haven’t seen anything. How offen do they come down?????

    • cheyenne says:

      the zodiac signs come around every few minutes or so. try changing pages, that usually works. Got the top yesterday, pants today can’t wait for the rest! oh and thanks to the person who mentioned they can be traded cause usually these kinds of prizes can’t be. thanks for the fun Ganz!

    • Darth Maul says:

      idk, but the costumes have been coming around alot for me, and why wont they do like the freeze and i think life costume? its like only fire comes

  5. Butch Lou says:


  6. Milipeed says:

    Yesterday I did not get the top but that is okay!

  7. rainy929 says:

    The water costume is my favorite too. Can’t wait to have all three!

  8. centofcoco says:

    Yay second comment! These outfits are so cool looking. I can’t wait till i get the rest! :D

  9. Anuta says:

    Awsome! First comment! Now, where are those pants…

  10. Pianogal says:

    First comment I think.
    These pants look awesome and I just won them! YAY!
    Can’t wait for the water costume that one is my favorite.
    Peace – Pianogal:)

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