Tour of Webkinz World: Employment Office








By Polly Panda

When I asked my sister, Amanda, which buildings in Kinzville I should choose for my projects (besides the Wish Factory of course!) Amanda suggested the Employment Office because she said that Tabby was really helpful when she was looking for a job and that if it wasn’t for Tabby she wouldn’t have her job at the Wish Factory.

I went in to talk to Tabby and here is what she told me about the Employment Office.

Tabby said that sometimes her friends would complain about how hard it was to find a job in Kinzville because they just didn’t know where to look. Tabby knew how difficult it could be finding a new job because she’d been through it herself, but she could also see how busy some of the businesses in Kinzville were and she knew that they must need e. When she starting asking around at some of the businesses, she found out that many businesses were desperate to hire but a lot of them didn’t have the time or knowhow to find and train employees. That’s when a light bulb went off in her head. Tabby decided that what Kinzville needed was a place where the ‘Kinz looking for jobs could connect with the ones looking for employees.

So Tabby took out her life savings and rented a space in Kinzville in a central location with a beautiful view of Kinzville Park. At first Tabby said that it was very slow going because nobody knew she was there. But then she said that the owner of the KinzStyle Outlet came to her looking for someone to help out. Tabby knew that PJ from her neighborhood had been looking for her first job and that even though she lacked work experience she was totally into fashion. Tabby  knew it would be a perfect fit – no pun intended – and she was right. After that word started to get out about how Tabby seemed to have a talent for matching ‘Kinz up with their dream jobs.

Soon Tabby was able to expand her office. She has a big boardroom area where clients can come in and interview prospective employees. While they’re waiting, interviewees can prepare their thoughts on the comfy couches in the waiting area. When she started to get busy Tabby realized that sometimes her clients could use help preparing for interviews or needed extra job training. She wanted to be able to run workshops so she turned one corner of her office space into a classroom area. Tabby says that one of the most important ways to prepare for an interview is to be sure that you are presentable –neatly dressed and groomed. She says that first impressions are really important. That’s why Tabby keeps a mirror right by the door, next to her time clock – so that her clients walk out the door looking professional and feeling confident.

After learning more about the Employment Office I can’t wait for the day that I get to go to Tabby for a job. I know she’ll put me on the path to the ideal career.

29 Responses to Tour of Webkinz World: Employment Office

  1. MDIChickadee says:

    Great report, Polly!

  2. Molly my Doggie says:

    Dear Boston ROCKs…cool room,
    If you put some of your items in your room/house, it might help. Try playing in the arcade to get pets hungry also. And if you plan on trading, you can leave some popular items in your dock and keep the others in your room. You can also make a folder. On Webkinz, name your rooms differently, and then right the names on a piece of paper. Next to it, you can right what is in it. Maybe clothing storage, PSI and more!! Hope this helps! Love every/any dog you find, ~Molly my Doggie

  3. Cinderpelt says:

    Kewl reserch!! Good good Polly :D Oh I have about 387 items, and it hasn’t given me any notice… ;)


  4. ivylora says:

    Thankyou birdsong, that a nice name too!

  5. Angelfish says:

    I don’t make my pets hungry, i just wait until they are and then feed them. You can buy just toast? i don’t think i’ve seen it at the Wshop. Or is it a recipe food? I don’t make many recipe foods very often…………. Northwestern and Boston rocks, are you guys related?

    • Northwestern...answer says:

      We call it toast, but it’s just bread. Toast sounds better. And yes, we’re cousins. Since today was a day off from school, we thought we’d give our webkinz a formal breakfast, but Bree the white terrier, and Bernadette the grey and white cat had other plans. Now I’m going around pet to pet with five “toast” in my dock, making our dock too full with everything else. We have over 250 items in our dock right now, so this is not a good thing

  6. TheWebkinzWarrior says:

    Wow. :( That is one grumpy looking room.

  7. Ivylora says:

    i think i should make a room that look like the Employment Office, it was soooooooooooo cool!!!!!!!

  8. Northwestern...awesome says:

    I was just there a minute ago. I love the employment office, I just wish the wait wasn’t as long. Maybe five hours would be a better length, but I do jobs, because it makes my pet’s hunger meters go down, because they’re working so hard. I’ve got a dock full of food items today because of what I won doing the wacky log out carnival, and the fact that someone, (points at Bree, the white terrier) didn’t get hungry and eat her toast this morning

  9. Nice Roomz says:

    Like this room especially now when kinz are looking for employment. I wish we had more control over naming our rooms on webkinz because I’d like to make this room but the menu is very limited.

    • PrincessLunaIsDaBomb is ready for a room rant says:

      I second your idea! I had to name my (work in progress) enchanted grove A MEADOW! SERIOUSLY? THEY WON’T LET YOU MAKE AN ENCHANTED GROVE NAME? (sorry for caps) Also, I had to make my laundry room a “walk in closet”, and my party rooms say they’re just “rec rooms” and my brother’s game room also is a “rec room”? Oh, almost forgot that my palace is just a “chamber” and my hamster queen is furious!

      • FoxPower says:

        Not really a rant. My Kinz were getting lonely when they went to bed in a separate room all alone. I wanted to let two of them share but Ganz won’t let me put two names on a room. It would be nice if we could offer name options and have them either approved or not like when we adopt another Kinz.Thank you.

  10. gymdog says:

    i like your research!

    • Boston room says:

      I wish we could interact with other users in that lobby…it looks great. BTW, does anyone know how to get your pet hungry? We have extra food in our dock right now, because three of our webkinz wouldn’t eat their toast I bought at the w-shop, and our dock is overfilled enough without that. Northwestern is losing her patience because she keep getting a script message, because our dock is too full

      • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

        Hmm, if I remember correct, playing in the arcade helps. All I know is I’m always wanting my pets to stay full, not hungry, LOL!

        • Alphabeta says:

          How many items can you have in your dock? I think I have over a 1000. As for making your pet hungry, make it exercise, then do something else.

          • Northwestern...dock dilema says:

            Firefox has a limit smaller than the webkinz one before error messages start. Maybe I should head to the superchef room and make some recipes with it. It’s actually bread that they aren’t hungry for, but we call it toast. They still haven’t gotten hungry over the past hour, which is beginning to scare me. I should make some recipes and go to the trading room to see if anyone wants it

          • SwedishLatte says:

            Wow, I didn’t know that Tabby had a mirror in her office! That’s really smart!

          • sparklegirlLT says:

            Neat room!

        • Me the Dudette says:

          Try running them around the exercise room, or put it all in a refrigerator room until the ‘kinz will eat it. You could cook with it (maybe?) in the clubhouse, or your house.
          Good luck, dudes!

      • starburst says:

        working out is a good idea. i had this problem a couple days ago w\ the challenges. they wouldn’t eat their candy!!!!!! this is a cool room. i wish we could have more names for the rooms. maybe we should mention it n contact us area. will u guys please help me and do it 2? going right now! if we ask a lot, they might give us more names!!!!

    • twolittlefootprints says:

      That room is wonderful!!! So cool & tons of nice furniture!

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