Tour of Webkinz World: Henrietta Hippo Theater











By Roberta Rabbit


One of my favorite places to visit is the Henrietta Hippo Theater for the Performing Arts. Henrietta is an old friend of the family, and she’s always been a big supporter of acting, theater and drama in general. Even though the theater is named after her, she didn’t build it – Fluffington did! Here’s the story!


A few years ago, Fluffington wasn’t the mostly nice dog he is today. In fact, he was downright greedy. One thing he wanted (but didn’t have) was a singing Zingoz – a Singoz. Fluffington had his eye on one specific Singoz: Simon. Simon was a good friend of Henrietta’s, so when she found out about Fluffington’s desire to capture Simon, she knew she had to help her friend as best she could. Fluffington offered up a million KinzCash reward for anyone who could capture a Singoz, and the whole town went crazy trying to find one! Henrietta bravely hiked through the dark forest and found Simon. Together they warned all the Singoz about Fluffington’s plan. Unfortunately, Fluffington managed to grab Simon and take him back to his mansion. Henrietta snuck up the long driveway and found Simon in a cage on Fluffington’s porch. He wasn’t singing at all – he was so unhappy. As soon as Henrietta freed him, he started to sing REALLY loudly. Fluffington heard and kind of freaked out. Fortunately, Henrietta was able to talk some sense into him. He realized how wrong he was to capture Simon, and decided to build a theater to showcase Simon’s singing talent. He named the theater after the hippo who taught him how important it was to be kind to others – Henrietta.

About the Theater:
The theater is stunning! It has over a thousand seats and it has a very large stage. Performances of Robin Hood, The Princess and the Pea, The Nutcracker and Fluffington’s very own opera (“One Heroic St. Bernard”) have been enjoyed by thousands and thousands of Kinzville residents.

 Fluffington says next season is going to be even MORE amazing than ever before, so I can’t wait to see what he’s got in store for us!

70 Responses to Tour of Webkinz World: Henrietta Hippo Theater

  1. CatsRule says:

    i agree that would sooooooooooooooooooooooo cool if we could go there and be in plays but why can’t we go to it it’s not on the kinzville map maybe it will come sometime to webkinz world! and by the way how do you make smiley faces


  2. The Webkinz Pianist says:

    Too bad we can’t visit it…that would be fun! :D

  3. mariofangirl says:

    I hope this is on webkinz world soon! I would love to visit the theater! ^ _ ^ ~mariofangirl

  4. Webkinz Master says:

    I can tell that this is a sneek peek at a new place in Webkinz World that will be there soon, for us to go into. I can’t wait!

  5. Summer says:

    Where is this place im just wondering and i think i looks like fun place to go in webkinz world

  6. marisprincess says:

    i think that would b sweet!

  7. lovepuppygirl says:

    I wish they had that in webkinz.

  8. pinky says:

    i can’t find the theatre either!

  9. Gabriella♥ says:

    Where do you find the Henrietta Hippo Theatre?

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