Tour of Webkinz World: Kinzville Park









By Laurabeard Pugsley

My favorite place to visit in Webkinz World is Kinzville Park.  I just love walking through the park on a sunny day, visiting with all my friends and playing on the swings and slides.  I always used to see the ‘Kinz hanging out together on their favorite bench, but lately I think they’ve found somewhere else to meet – I don’t see them around as much anymore.

If you know me, you know I’m a bit of an adventurer, so whenever I get to the park I challenge myself to find the biggest tree I can find and climb it. Climbing trees in the park is so much fun!

I also love the park because you can play games. I am awesome at Link’d. I beat my brother every single time but he made me promise not to tell any of his crew.

Everyone has a responsibility to make sure that we are taking care of Webkinz World. So whenever I am playing in the park, I always keep my eyes open for pieces of trash lying around and if I find any I pick it up right away. They really appreciate it when we help out like that – that’s why, if you pick up enough trash, you get a reward for your hard work, like a Cleanup Kinz T-shirt or Hat.

Of course, everyone knows that the very best thing about Kinzville Park is buying ice cream from Mr. Moo. My favorite flavor is Melty Mango, but if he doesn’t have that flavor I usually get Sour Shrimp instead. 

28 Responses to Tour of Webkinz World: Kinzville Park

  1. babies7 says:

    Where is the Park???????????????????????????? I am confuzzled.

    • PrincessLunaIsDaBomb says:

      To find the park, log on to Webkinz World, go to the Map of Kinzville, and around the center, there is a large green area with a playground and stuff on it. Click that, and you’re there! Of course you will then have the option of choosing KinzChat or KinzChat Plus. Then you select a park, and voila! You are playing in the Kinzville Park. Hope this helps!

  2. Het says:

    I also love going to the park . Great job laurabeard just try making the room a little more spread out . Mr. Moo is never there for me also I have seen my freinds see him when does he come out?

  3. thepinkprincess says:

    I love how so far, all of the rooms are built in a Kinz house. It makes it easier for us to see what it’d look like in our houses; I really love that! :)

  4. lovepuppygirl says:

    I love all that cool stuff.

  5. idontlikespaghetti says:

    who is mr moo????? i have never seen him????

  6. giraffegal says:

    I love your report Laurabeard! The Park is awesome! How many flavors do you guys have? I’ve got 5 of them. I am missing perfect pear!!!!!!! Add me! My username is smith645

  7. kittypoo says:

    Nice report, Laurabeard! :) I thought Laurabeard already had a report though? Hmm maybe not. I’ve been enjoying all of these Tour Of Kinzville reports, and I think they should add the places like the Henrietta’s dance studio..(I think it was a dance studio, or something like that) to the Kinzville Map. In my opinion, it should have been a real picture of the park, that defiantly is not the park..but it’s kinda cool looking. :)

    ~I love and care about all of my Webkinz, MAZIN’ Hamsters, and Zumbuddy so much and equally and I will forever no matter what!!~

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