Tour of Webkinz World: Music Starz







By Stoogles Googles

If you want to catch the newest music craze in Kinzville, there is only one place to go. Music Starz is where you can listen to all the latest songs. It is a wild studio where the Pets of the Month go to film their videos. There is every type of instrument you can imagine, plus a huge dance area where the pets can choreograph their sweet dance moves. Music Starz offers plenty of room for an audience to sit down and check out the performances. There is also a camera for capturing the singers on film, as well as a recording booth in the corner.  Of course, if you are as hip to the Kinzville music scene as I am, then you know that a lot of the Pet of the Month videos are actually filmed on location, which is why Music Starz has a mobile camera on a cart. That way, the expert technicians from Music Starz can go out into the field and get all the action on video. Then they can bring it back to the studio and edit it together with a soundtrack created by an orchestra of musicians in the soundstage. There are also Webkinz called foley artists whose job it is to create sound effects. They do cool things like bang two coconut shells together to create the sound of horse hooves. When you hear it in the video, it just seems to be a natural part of the action and you would never guess that some guy in a studio made it up.

I love visiting Music Starz because who doesn’t love music??? I love to hear all the creative tunes and check out the awesome dancing in the videos.

28 Responses to Tour of Webkinz World: Music Starz

  1. The Webkinz Pianist says:

    Cool! :)

  2. lovepuppygirl says:

    Very cool!!!

  3. emant100 says:

    I don’t know what I would do without music…I listen to it every day, one way or another. Music is practically my life! ;)

  4. CeCe78p1 says:

    How did you get such a great room????
    I <3 it!!!! :) :) :P :P

  5. SciFiBeatlesGleek says:

    Music is one of the greatest things EVER invented!! Good report Stoogles!! :D I think they should have a hofner bass guitar in there ;)

    • Northwestern...Cheap Trick fan says:

      Or a chandler 12 string bass guitar! I had a frog named after a bass guitar player. Bass guitar is awesome!

      • jenmatlak says:

        That room looks great! :smile: I love to watch POTM videos (pet of the month) I love to read and write! Who else does? Just wondering. BOOKS RULE!!!!! :smile: :mrgreen:


      • SciFiBeatlesGleek says:

        Oh ha ha I’m wondering is that an instrument that someone from Cheap Trick plays? Sorry i don’t listen to that kind of music. I listen to 60′s and i have like 2 pets named after a bass guitar player lol :)

  6. catluv says:

    Wow I wonder how much KC that cost?


  7. penguinette23 says:

    Oh, cool! I love this rioom too, just wished it matched LITTLE BETTER. Bye everyone!!

  8. Cinderpelt says:

    Good report Stoogles!!


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