Tour of Webkinz World: The Tournament Arena










By Cowabelle Cowoline

Know where I love to play? The Tournament Arena! Why? Because! I can play games against my friends or by myself – it’s my choice! Here’s what you need to know about the Tournament Arena!

  • The Tournament Arena has been around for a very long time in Kinzville. Webkinz from far and wide love to come and test their gaming skills. Legend has it that this is where Felicity Tiger got her start playing games.
  • The Tournament Arena gives out TONS of KinzCash in prizes every year!
  • There are two different ways to play: two-player games and quick tournaments.
  • Two-player games are played with an opponent. You can play against your friends, or some of the cool folks in Webkinz World (I love playing against Amanda Panda!).
  • Quick Tournaments are games you play by yourself. You want to get as high a score as you can!
  • You can see the tournament prizes and your own tournament statistics – I’ve got a tournament rating of 544! I’ve entered 600 tournaments and I’ve won 193 of them – so I’m pretty good at games!


The Tournament Arena is a super-fun place to play and I highly recommend it to anyone interested in games!


33 Responses to Tour of Webkinz World: The Tournament Arena

  1. pinky says:

    thats not a big tournament arena…

  2. me says:

    cool tournament arena!!!

  3. Kailey says:


  4. dewdrop says:

    The Tournament arena is great,as you have the chance to earn KC as you do when playing in the standard Arena,but you can earn heaps more if you get in the top 10 even mor KC if you win :)

  5. Ravenflight says:

    i love the arena!! its super fun especially Supermodelz!!

  6. MDIChickadee says:

    Great report, Cowabelle! Thank you!

  7. alextwelve says:

    Who is Felicity Tiger?
    Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    how do you do those cool faces. sad

    • GeorgeRocks says:

      : mrgreen : no spaces. Btw Felicity Tiger is a hardcore gamer who shares tips with her friends when it comes to playing in the tourtament arena and arcade. If you want to learn more about the characters of Kinz, then go to the top of the page and scroll over Kinzpedia. Click on characters. They’re all in alphabetical order, so have fun! Love the arena!

  8. catluv says:

    Wow, impressive.


  9. LemonCandy etc. says:

    it’s to small to be the tournament arena! and it doesn’t have enough games!

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