Introducing the Treasure Hunt!

We’ll be adding a brand new feature on Webkinz Newz that you’re going to love! Search Webkinz Newz for clues in this awesome Treasure Hunt! Find all of the clues, and you’ll win the treasure: a Breaking News Cocker Spaniel Figure!

The Treasure Hunt will begin on June 10. Check this page again on June 10 for login details.

Step 1: Visit the Contests page and click on Treasure Hunt.

Step 2: Read the first clue and figure out where to go next.

Step 3: Repeat until you’ve found all of the clues, then fill in the form and the prize will be added to your account!

One prize per account.

Ends on June 30

265 Responses to Introducing the Treasure Hunt!

  1. hermione granger says:

    where is the first clue for the friendshhip one

  2. Hannah2311 says:

    i cant find the answer to Q.4 please help!!!!

  3. Plz help. sorry being rude. mmkunz says:

    Nobody helps! All they do is brag!

  4. mmkunz says:

    My friend says I have to figure it out!

  5. lolo says:

    where is the last clue

    • mmkunz says:

      lolo plz help me with clue1# and I`ll try to answer yours (I have a friend who is done with this) I went to mobile apps but now what do I do what happens what do I look for?

  6. webkinzmember says:

    hope this works

  7. little red says:

    do u really have to enter the contest to get the third code

  8. dogluver says:

    Yeah u guys get 3 things. I won it already. It’s pretty easy. And it’s sorta like peek a newz but not really.

  9. TDKS17 says:

    I’m going to win for sure.

  10. madison says:

    will you help me :)

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