Tree Kangaroo Winners

Congratulations to domithecat, dolphin9497, grammybear01, bubblegirl101 and mymintiswhite1, our randomly selected winners! They’ve each been sent a Secret Code for a virtual Tree Kangaroo, July’s Pet of the Month!

Adopt the Tree Kangaroo any time in July to get a Pet of the Month loot bag, filled with prizes and a surprise you can’t get anywhere else!

40 Responses to Tree Kangaroo Winners

  1. rainshower25 says:

    AND ,enjoy your pets.

  2. rainshower25 says:

    congrats! to all the winners.

  3. Z6D6 says:

    I hope will be a contest for the black cat in October!

  4. airc2013 says:

    i have done these contests every time and lost but congrats to the winners

  5. nonopuppy123 says:

    you guys are so lucky you got a free , adorable pet kangaroo ! Congratulations !!!! ;)

  6. nonopuppy123 says:

    Congratulations ! I did not know I could spell this word :) !! I realy wish I have won though …… But I’m OK !!!! LOLZ :D

  7. tiedyepeace says:

    Congrats—domithcat, dolphin9497, grammybear01, bubblegirl101, and mymintiswhite1 our randomly selected winner(s)!!!!! Hope y’all enjoy your prizes!!!! Never won—Never got LUCKY!!!!!!!!! So glad yall could win cuz somebody has 2!! know what I mean!!! You may not reply—-but if you would please reply I would really appreciate it!!!! THANKS, tiedyepeace

  8. bell564 says:

    good job #goodjob!

  9. catloverclarke says:

    i wish i got to win but i am happy i did not because i can just go to the store and buy one and it could be much better because you get the code and the webkinz

  10. Jaymoon11 says:

    Good job everybody!

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