Webkinz Costume: Ballerina
















What you need:

4 Coffee filters (the basket kind), pink thread, needle, pink watercolor markers, water spray bottle, paper towel, old white or pink sock, pink ribbon


What you do:

  1. Color the coffee filters with the different colors of pink markers. Lay them on the paper towel and spray them with the water bottle. The colors will mix and blend.
  2. Let the coffee filters dry.
  3. When the filters are dry, stack them up and cut out the center of each. This is the tutu. Sew around the inside edge of the tutu in order to hold the skirt together.
  4. Take your old white sock and cut off the toe. Cut two holes in each side. Trim the bottom if you need to. This is your pet’s top. You can run a piece of ribbon around the top of it to make it extra-fancy.
  5. Wrap your pet’s feet in pink ribbon to make toe shoes.

Your little dancer is ready for a night of trick-or-treating!

41 Responses to Webkinz Costume: Ballerina

  1. mcpgirl says:

    :3 I’m a ballerina. It’s very creative.~~~

  2. mcpgirl says:

    :3 I’m a ballerina. It’s very creative.

  3. PrincessLunaIsDaBomb says:

    I dressed up my Lil’ Black Poodle as a cheerleader. (For 3 years straight. Seriously, I never took it off her)

  4. SapphireSea says:

    Awe! That is cute! I would find something else to use besides coffee filters. But still, that’s cute!

  5. Barbara R. says:

    this is so cute. What great creativity!

  6. DreamKinz says:

    Ohhmyyyygosshhhhh!!!!! Sooo Cute! I’m soooo making this!
    Its cool how they are showing us these!


  7. TerrierDog says:

    That is too cute! I have a sea otter, but it’s a ‘he’, Ollie.

    • IsthataFact says:

      It’s okay, it’s Halloween! I have been “dressing” my boy virtual caterpillar up as a girl all month (I have more girl clothes than boy clothes, so Halloween dress-up is my excuse, LOL!) ;-0

  8. webkinzcoolkid says:

    Absolutely adorable!

  9. princess7141 says:

    That costume is so cute! I’m making costumes for my wekinz. Maybe the ballerina would look cute on Baby.

  10. CottonCandy says:

    Ohh how cute. I’m making costumes for my webkinz. Maybe it would be cute on Baby.

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