Webkinz Costume: Butterfly














What you need:

Duct tape in a pretty color, craft paper, scissors, ribbon, pipe cleaner


What you do:


1.       Cut your craft paper into strips that are about 1 foot long and 3 inches across.

2.       Lay a piece of colored duct tape (about a foot long) sticky-side-up on the floor.  Put a piece of craft paper design-side-down, overlapping the duct tape.

3.       Add another piece of duct tape, sticky-side-up on the other side of the craft paper strip. Keep alternating between craft paper and duct tape.

4.       Add duct tape across all of the tape pieces (to cover up the sticky sides).

5.       Fold the duct-tape-and-craft-paper piece in half. Cut out butterfly wings.

6.       Attach a piece of ribbon to the back of your wings. Tie the ribbon around your pet’s waist.

7.       Attach pipe cleaners to your pet’s head.

8.       Your pet will look beautiful!

35 Responses to Webkinz Costume: Butterfly

  1. linnea78901 says:

    I love it! So adorable!!!!

  2. akansha says:

    Beautiful. Wish there was a chihuahua dress?

  3. pony4171 says:

    my pink pony is going to be a butterfly! and i have all the materials

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