Webkinz Costume: Robot













Making a robot is super easy – and fun!


What you need: box to fit your pet, paper cup, grey or silver paint, pompoms, jewels, craft glue, scissors

What you do:

1. Cut out a rectangle from the front of the cup. Fit it over your Webkinz pet’s head to make sure they can see out of the hole.

2. Remove the cup from your pet’s head and paint it grey. Let it dry.

3. Fit the box over your pet’s body and determine where the arm holes should be (make a mark on the box, remove the box from your pet, and cut out the arm holes).

4. Paint the box grey or silver. Let it dry.

5. When the cup and box are dry, decorate! Use jewels, pompoms – whatever you like. Let the glue dry.

6. When the glue is dry, put the robot costume on your pet.

33 Responses to Webkinz Costume: Robot

  1. Starburst Swirl . . . excited about halloween! says:

    Hey everybody! What costume are you wearing for trick or treat? I’m going as Clawdeen Wolf from Monster High.**Starburst Swirl**

  2. TerrierDog says:

    OK…This is one webkinz I do NOT have :-D LOL

  3. derpywantsamuffin says:

    if you want it to shine, you should add some tin foil to the costume! then it will look spook-tacular!

  4. katieanddora says:

    Happy Halloween Everybody!!!!!!!!!

  5. marirox711 says:

    this is cute r u all excited 4 halloween wait it is Halloween
    =) =) =)

    • WebkinzQueen says:

      Na, Not really, I don’t celebrate Halloween. I am thinking of going trick or treating for Halloween though! I don’t have a costume so, I think I am going to be a worker, I have a really cute outfit!!!! I love this by the way!!!!!

      • WebkinzQueen says:

        Never mind, my mother said that I can’t go trick-or-treating literally like 14 minutes. Oh well, maybe I’ll dress up and hide candy around my house, oh wait that’s in Easter, Well, Do you have any suggestions? I can’t have a party and I’m an only child, HELP!

  6. Cinderpelt says:

    Aww! This looks cute, and weird! lolz ;)


  7. BuffaloGirl14075 says:

    This is really cute and a great idea

  8. dewdrop says:

    It looks a bit like Ned Kelly, a famous Australian Bush ranger, is cute :)

  9. Zooooooz says:

    This is a great idea for a costume…I especially like the directions that say to make sure your pet can see out of the hole :)

  10. harrypotterrocks says:

    hmm . . .
    that’s kinda cute!


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