Webkinz Costume: Superhero











What you need: felt, puffy paint, scissors, yarn, darning needle, ribbon, needle and thread


What you do:


1.       Cut your felt in half. Cut out an isosceles triangle from one half, and then chop off the top point of the triangle. This is the cape.

2.       Sew a piece of ribbon along the top of the cape. This will attach the cape to your pet’s neck.

3.       Fold a smaller piece of felt in half and cut out a leaf shape. Cut out a smaller leaf shape in the middle. Open it up and this is your face mask!

4.       Using the yarn and darning needle, add a piece of yarn to either side of the mask.

5.       Tie the mask across your pet’s eyes.

6.       If you like, take the cape and mask off and decorate them with puffy paint. When the paint is dry, get your caped crusader ready for a day of fun!

27 Responses to Webkinz Costume: Superhero

  1. lovepuppygirl says:


  2. abbey says:

    OH MY SNAKE GUT! perfect for an ocasion in my stuffed animal world! we’re moving, so when we move, they’re having a costume party! my canary HAS to dress up like this! ill go tell Britt(any) right now!

  3. beanie6 says:

    omg thats sooo adorable cause i used to have a lil kinz canary but then i lost her :,( i will miss u sunshine. but i could try that on my lil kinz oriole her name is orange juice and she is sitting next to me say hi orange juice *hi* “<

  4. Gangdam Style says:

    Hey everybody! I’m @ Uggluver79 little sis!!! Anyways, I think this costume is adorable. I’ll try to make this for MY Canary.

  5. Pinkdoggy861 says:

    This is really cute/cool! I will try it out with my Webkinz!

  6. papillion lover says:

    so cute!!! We needthis for virtual pets for up coming halloween!!!

  7. zebb5 says:

    Thats cute i have the lil kinz Canary she could be a super hero

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