Webkinz World Tour: The Kinzville Academy






By Cowabelle Cowoline


For my project on places in Kinzville, I chose to write about the Kinzville Academy. I just love Kinzville Academy. It’s like a second home to me. My mother is the Principal, Ms. Cowoline, and she always lets me help out when it’s time to set up the classes for the new school year. When I grow up I would love to be a teacher like my mother. I just love reading books and learning new facts, and I love to help my friends with their studying and homework, like when Roberta was struggling with her school work at the beginning of the year.

Some of you may already have seen my mom’s tour of Kinzville Academy when she was showing everybody around back in September, so I thought that I would take you through the history of the academy and how my mother came to be the principal here.

My mother grew up in a large family – she had four brothers and three sisters!!! I can’t even imagine what that would be like, but my mom said it was actually really fun. She said she always had someone to play with, but she did admit that sometimes it got kind of loud.

My mother was the second oldest kid in her family so she had to help out a lot with looking after the younger ones. My mother discovered that one way to keep her little brothers and sisters occupied was to read to them. My mom has always loved reading. She says that when you live in a houseful of kids, sometimes escaping into a book is the only way to get away from the chaos. So my mom would read to them, and as they got older and started reading themselves, my mom would help them with their letters and taught them how to print.

On my mother’s 12th birthday, she opened a big present from her parents to find a blackboard. She says that it was the best gift she ever got. That day, she set up a pretend classroom in her family’s basement and from then on she just knew that when she grew up she wanted to be a teacher.

She always worked hard at school and her whole family was so proud when she went away to university in the Big City. After she graduated, she put her teaching career on hold when she started a family and I came along.

But a few years ago, when she decided that she was ready to go back to work, she saw an ad in the paper for a town in Webkinz World that needed a teacher for their brand new school. My mom and I packed up our stuff and headed to Kinzville.

Fluffington St. Bernard’s aunt, Merriwether St. Bernard, had made a generous donation of KinzCash to the town and there had been a lot of debate about how to spend it. Dr. Quack had suggested that Kinzville build a large hospital, and Fred Rover wanted the town to buy a professional sports franchise. But at the town meeting, Ms. Birdy stood up and said that what they really needed was a decent school. At the time, Ms. Birdy was trying to run some classes in her daycare centre, but she found that with the little ones from the adoption center and the older kids in the classes, she just wasn’t able to give everyone the attention they needed. They held a vote at the town meeting and just about everybody in Kinzville agreed that a new school was exactly what the town needed.

Fluffington St. Bernard owned a beautiful piece of land right in the middle of Kinzville and when the town was trying to decide where to build the new school, he realized it would make the perfect spot. So Fluffington donated the land and, along with Merriwether’s donation, they were able to build a state of the art school with a large gym, a playground, a cafeteria, a fully stocked library and plenty of classrooms.

The only thing missing was a teacher. That’s where my mom comes in. Since coming to Kinzville she has grown Kinzville Academy into one of the most respected schools in Webkinz World. Just about everyone loves coming to the Academy to take the classes offered here.

I am so proud of my mom and the hard work she does, and so proud to be part of such a great school. Oh, and I did I ever mention that having seven aunts and uncles and about a million cousins is totally cool?

31 Responses to Webkinz World Tour: The Kinzville Academy

  1. beanpolecrazy says:

    *********FRIEND ME IF YOU SEE ME*****************

  2. lissa425 says:

    swwweeeeett!!!!!!! :) <3 mind if i steel your ideas? :) <3

    anyone add me i'm lissa425 on webkinz! or sqidgirl for another account :) <3

  3. lovelylululu says:

    ah… whatever those rooms are cool you make em? well im not in to school when its thanks giveing break

  4. wknfan says:

    i think there should be a fall dance for kinzville academy there can be singing and dancing and a buffet and everyone could come it would be awesome

  5. molly2 says:

    the third room is for lil kinz like elementry school(sorry for the spelling)

  6. pappy lover says:

    i love the kinzville acadime i wish we could actully live in kinz ville and go to the school i would love that to actully go to the school that my pet gose to

  7. surfcb8 says:

    I think the first room is a history room Cinderpelt
    #1 History (that explains the throne)
    #2 Sinece (sorry bout misspelling)
    #3 Class room (like where they learn math! :D )

  8. Molly says:

    Who is Cowabelle’s Dad??

  9. MDIChickadee says:

    What a great report! And what a great job you Mom has done!!!

  10. Prayzergirl1 says:

    I love the rooms! I am totally going to make some like they had in the Kinzville Academy Tour. I have 20 pets and all of them go to the Kinzville Academy. I’m so glad the classes are free now. The first room, if you’re wondering, is a history room. (History is my favorite subject.) What is the third room?

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