What’s YOUR Favorite Winter Sport?









Your favorite thing to wear is:

A) A skirt and tank top
B) Sweaters and warm clothes
C) Jeans and a team jersey
D) Whatever’s clean


You really like activities that:

A) Require a lot of concentration
B) Are fun to do
C) Require a lot of speed
D) Require a lot of movement


You like activities that:

A) You can do alone
B) You can do with a friend
C) You can do with a team
D) You can do with a group of friends or alone

Your favorite animal is a:

A) Swan
B) Polar bear
C) Husky
D) Rabbit

Your favorite winter treat is:

A) Apple cider
B) Hot chocolate
C) Candy Cane
D) Warm cookies


Mostly A’s: Strap on some skates and hit the rink. You’re probably a pro at figure 8’s and fancy moves. If you haven’t tried ice skating before, it’s a ton of fun! Give it a try – but make sure to wear a helmet!


Mostly B’s: There’s nothing quite like zipping down a snowy hill at the speed of light! You’re a sledding fan, and why not? It’s so much fun – especially when you involve your friends!


Mostly C’s: You’re a pro on the rink, but you’re not just there to skate around – you’re there to play hockey! Hockey is a super team sport, and with an attitude like yours, you’re a great addition to any group!

Mostly D’s: Skiing isn’t always easy, but you should give it a try! Skiing can be great exercise – and at the end of the day, you can enjoy some hot chocolate in the chalet!

40 Responses to What’s YOUR Favorite Winter Sport?

  1. hoodedwarbler12 says:

    Well, either D or B. Hmm.
    D, B, A, D, B

  2. AlwaysOnWebkinz says:

    I got sledding and it was right!

    I’ve only seen snow one time and my favorite thing to do was sledding! Webkinz can be freaky and smart.
    Webkinz username: lovebugs131


  3. ranlove2 says:

    I LOVE FIGURE SKATING! It is SO awesome I do not go very often, but I went twice over Christmas break! As you can tell I really do not need a quiz to find out my favorite winter sport! Great job webkinz!

  4. flowerr678 says:

    well i don’t play a sport in the winter but i play soccer in the spring and and autum

    i play on a under12 team i am sad because this season i’ll be to old
    my big sister is on this soccer team

    my dad loves soccer so he coaches me and my sister i have for other siblings
    so yep that’s my sport and well better get off

    see you flowerr678

  5. Rosie says:

    I ♥ these quizzes, even though the answer isn’t always accurate! For me, I picked mostly B’s. It was very accurate – I ♥ sledding!

  6. fashionistagirls says:

    i just don’t know what is my favorite winter sport! i like all of them A. i picked jeans and a shirt B. i like to do whatever is fun. C. you can do with friends or alone D. i like candy cane, warm cookies, apple cider, and hot chocolate. So i just don’t know i like it all! tee he tee he he!

    ♥♪ fashionistagirls♥♪

  7. fashionistagirls says:

    i have no idea what’s me. I’d rather were jeans and a shirt, i like games that are fun to do, i like to do things as a team, my favorite animal would be an rabbit, and i like all of the winter treats ☺ so i would be all of it tee he tee he he he he!

    ♥♪ fashionistagirls♥♪

  8. LemonCandy etc. says:

    i did it and i got mostly Ds so i got skiing which i already do ;)

  9. webstar says:

    this is cool

  10. WebkinzPro says:

    Wow! These little quizzes are fun. Thanks Webkinz!


    • krystalkat says:

      I got mostly Bs but Im more of a figure skater.

      • WebkinzQueen: Sorry, but I.... says:

        Hey, It’s me, WebkinzQueen. We’ll I am sorry to be posting this, but I have never tried to do any of these activities, well cause in Florida, you really can’t. I got mostly C’s and I like that I got Hockey, cause I am good friends with a boy who plays Ice-Hockey and a boy who plays Street-Hockey. But I am better friend with the Ice-Hockey player, even though the Street one has the birthday the day after, mine. If I am not posting that mush on the 9th of this month, it’s cause it’s my birthday!!!!! Anyway, I have played something some-what like Hockey in P.E., I can’t wait to bring the cupcakes to my 5th grade class, if that’s what I am bringing, LOL!!!!! Anyway, sorry to break the news that I have never seen or been in snow, is there anyone else?

        • lillyluvie says:

          Webkinzqueen I wish you had snow to go sledding, its SO fun!

          I got a mixture of all of them. But I really like Skiing. Its my forte! :mrgreen: I think that skiing is a TON of fun, even though it takes a bit of time to learn. And I like Ice Skating (figure skating) too! I was in a Figure Skating show once. But now I am in dance recitals and dance school. ;) ;)

          *Luv from LillyLuvie*

          • krystalkat says:

            Me too!!!! I also skii, do dance 9I have dance today), and figure skate sometimes.

          • 8clawpaw says:

            This was a really fun and awesome quiz! ;D My first one was D and the rest were Bs. I love skating! And skiing! Those two are WICKED fun. I love sledding too but not as much. xD Guess it was just a coincidence that I got so many Bs, when I love skating and skiing more. xD

            Well good luck everyone! I wish we got snow here. :P

          • Starburst says:

            I got skating. I like skating, but I like dancIng better, like u LL.

          • fashionistagirls says:

            Me too! i take lessons in the winter and i loved it! I also have a dance recital with my Best friend tomorrow. Lets just say this in a polite way? UM, ( Clumsy?) i can’t wait!

            ♥♪ fashionistagirls♥♪

          • WebkinzWizard :) says:

            I got mostly B’s which is so me, since I love sledding! :D But I haven’t been able to sled yet this winter because it hasn’t snowed. :( It snowed last year and I’m hoping it will soon.
            I like skating and skiing too though. Last year my family went to an outdoor skating rink and my siblings and I skated for our first time. :) It was very fun. I hope we can do it this year! We also went to a skiing resort last year too. We skied for two days and did other stuff for the next few days. It was mostly fun except for the fact that we were all sore after skiing! I think we might be going back there this year too. :) I

            The *~Webkinz Wizard~* :)

        • WackyWebber says:

          I understand about not being able to do any of these sports, except for the ice skating and hockey at an indoor rink because I’m also in Florida. :) ~WW

      • OceanStar says:

        lol I got three b’s and two c’s, but I do NOT like hockey. GO SOCCER!!

      • shadow wolf says:

        i got mosty Cs and i LUV HOCKEY im going to a hockey game soon :)

    • gymdog says:


      i am more like b!

    • Wittytaylorswiftgirl23 says:

      I was a B/C cause i got a even amount of each my answers were
      And I don’t like the rink I always fall :( But hmm I should try again sometime! :D

    • dawndrop16 says:

      like sledding and skating, and I sort of like hockey. Skiing’s okay too, but I’m not a big fan. I’m a pretty good goalie, but I only play street hockey. Well, driveway hockey, and I’m a girl. ;) ~*Dawn*~

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