What’s YOUR Favorite Winter Sport?









Your favorite thing to wear is:

A) A skirt and tank top
B) Sweaters and warm clothes
C) Jeans and a team jersey
D) Whatever’s clean


You really like activities that:

A) Require a lot of concentration
B) Are fun to do
C) Require a lot of speed
D) Require a lot of movement


You like activities that:

A) You can do alone
B) You can do with a friend
C) You can do with a team
D) You can do with a group of friends or alone

Your favorite animal is a:

A) Swan
B) Polar bear
C) Husky
D) Rabbit

Your favorite winter treat is:

A) Apple cider
B) Hot chocolate
C) Candy Cane
D) Warm cookies


Mostly A’s: Strap on some skates and hit the rink. You’re probably a pro at figure 8’s and fancy moves. If you haven’t tried ice skating before, it’s a ton of fun! Give it a try – but make sure to wear a helmet!


Mostly B’s: There’s nothing quite like zipping down a snowy hill at the speed of light! You’re a sledding fan, and why not? It’s so much fun – especially when you involve your friends!


Mostly C’s: You’re a pro on the rink, but you’re not just there to skate around – you’re there to play hockey! Hockey is a super team sport, and with an attitude like yours, you’re a great addition to any group!

Mostly D’s: Skiing isn’t always easy, but you should give it a try! Skiing can be great exercise – and at the end of the day, you can enjoy some hot chocolate in the chalet!

40 Responses to What’s YOUR Favorite Winter Sport?

  1. Nonie says:

    Well done atircle that. I’ll make sure to use it wisely.

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