Win a Capricorn Symbol Wall Decoration!

Look for the Capricorn Symbol Wall Decoration on Webkinz Newz from now until December 31st to win a Capricorn Symbol Wall Decoration!

6 Responses to Win a Capricorn Symbol Wall Decoration!

  1. pewdiepie54537 says:

    do you need the vigro zodiac? i think i have it, my use on webkinz is nickvu if you need to trade for it

  2. sugar says:

    Does anyone want to trade for a Virgo Zodiac wall decoration. I NEED it!!!!!!

  3. Karrista says:

    Do you look for this in Ganzworld or in Webkinz? Its in Ganzworld right?

  4. geogal says:

    I have all of them so far…I hope I find this one!

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