Win a Springy Kangaroo!

Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply). Tell us your top 10 Mother’s Day Gifts and you could win  May’s Pet of the Month pet, a virtual Springy Kangaroo (the “Prize”), in time for May!

170 Responses to Win a Springy Kangaroo!

  1. sanvivivian says:

    i really want to win this….. because may is my birthday month… and i really want to show my mom that she should play webkinz more often. Well, good luck to all!

  2. copito1802 says:

    Hi i really would like to win this contest beacouse i love webkinz and i love my mum my gifts are arts and crafts, a card, a big hug, a kiss, the breakfast in the bed, a teddy bear, cleanning the house, bakery and a sourprise so thats all i don’ t have anything more but i have hope at wining thank you and please choose me by!

  3. Brebree11 says:

    My mothers day gifts: 1. Fruit Flowers covered in chocolate, 2. Breakfast in bed, 3.Gift card, 4. Dinner, 5.Card and money, 6.Spa day, 7. a dye gift, 8. Homemade family photo, 9.Tickets to a movie, 10.Thanking her for all she does

  4. sloelke says:

    necklace, drawings, lotions, cars, flowers, candles, lunch out, clothes, photos.

  5. LcJetskigirl02 says:

    A Mother’s Day cake and handmade card and roses.

  6. PeaceBudd says:

    A card, Jewelry, Breakfast in bed, going out with the full family, flowers, A gift card, money (if she wants :L), cake, a book , a dress, Hugs ‘n kisses (^^) and going out for dinner ^ ^ <3

  7. essagirl2 says:

    1) Tulips 2) A vase to hold the tulips 3) The names of her kids engraved on the vase 4) A ribbon attached to the vase 5) A card glued to the end of the ribbon 6) Kind words inside the card 7) A coupon to the Keg beside the kind words 8) A night out at the keg using the coupon 9) A steak at the keg 10) A hug just cuz

  8. FunkyBuddha says:

    1) breakfast in bed 2) a mother and daughter yoga class 3) chocolate 4) flowers 5)knitting her a sweater 6) going for a walk and buying her a cup of tea at her favorite cafe on the way 7) a family bbq 8) a home made card 9) cleaning for her 10) bake her muffins

  9. Sweet2U says:

    1. breakfast in bed 2. Flower 3. edible arrangements 4. books 5. going out to the movies 6. helping her garden 7. a handmade card 8. pictures of our family 9. cooking her dinner (helping) 10. giving her a hug and kiss

  10. Cherrycheesecake says:

    When will the contest winners be announced?

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