Win a Virtual Aardvark!

What are you hoping to get this Christmas? Head over to the Contest page and let us know your top 10 Christmas presents for a chance to win a virtual Aardvark in time for January! The Webkinz Aardvark is January’s Pet of the Month — adopt the Aardvark any time in January to get a Pet of the Month loot bag, filled with prizes and a surprise you can get anywhere else!

35 Responses to Win a Virtual Aardvark!

  1. hannah says:

    I really need the aardvark because my sis is a member and I only have 1 webkinz plush. [.Im saving up for a dragon but so far im no where neer buying it.[sigh].

  2. patricia says:

    i would really like to have this pet

  3. Ava says:

    The top ten presents I got were a Nintendo 3DSXL,a Webkinz Chihuahua,Just Dance 4,Just Dance 2,puppies and kittens for 3DSXL,Angry birds for 3DSXL,a Hello Kitty mug and hot coco,a nail polish set,Just Dance Disney,and Star wars. Thank you!!

  4. shannon says:

    i really want that arrddvark he would be the most awesome webkinz i have.

  5. HRHPink says:

    I really want more Webkinz for Christmas! They are so cute!

  6. Parakeet Lover says:

    i do not have a advark yet but i hope i WIN!!!

  7. tay says:

    I hope I win! I tried to enter the contest and I do not know if it worked.

  8. blackcat78 says:

    I used to have one ;( Then I lost all my codes and I forgot my password because it was a bunch of random letters and numbers ;( ;(

  9. marsh31mellow says:

    i hope i get him he looks sooooooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!!! but heres an early congradulations to who ever wins!! :-)

  10. Ashlynn says:

    i always wanted one and if i dont get one i will cry the rest of my life

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