Win a Virtual Sloth!

The sleepy sloth is August’s Pet of the Month, and you can win a virtual one by entering our Sloth Contest and telling us your top 10 summer activities. (Snoozing counts!) Head over to the Contests page to enter — you’ll have all of July to enter.

87 Responses to Win a Virtual Sloth!

  1. swimgirl2014 says:

    My Top Ten Summer Activities Are… 1.Swimming (5-8 times a week!!) 2.Traveling (LOVE TO TRAVEL) 3.Read (There are so many good books) 4. Hang out with friends (My Besties!!!) 5.Sleepovers ( Nothing like hangin out with friends, watching a movie, and then crashing around 1 AM 6. Playing Softball (Again Nothin like playin softball with friends!!) 7.Playing on the computer (Love all of my webkinz pets!!) 8.Watching TV (Disney Channel is my Favorite!!) 9.crafts (I am a crafty person!!!! I love to do TONS of crafts!!) 10. Last but not least, Hanging out with my family (Love to play toss the football outside with my family!!)

  2. LeahAmazing2413 says:

    how do i enter ugh

  3. DayaDayz says:

    I’m probably not gonna win.With my luck there’s a 50% chance i will.But I still could.I’ll believe in myself!

  4. DayaDayz says:

    1.Played outside.2.Played on computer.3.Wrote stories.4.Played with baby brother.5.Took care of webkinz.6.Made comics.7.Went to restuarant.8.Went to an arcade.9.Posted this (hee hee!) And 10.Played a new game.

  5. rcairplanes124 says:

    who was last months winner?

  6. fun2 says:

    1. swimming 2. water balloon fight 3.playing at the park 4. playing with friends 5. watching fireworks 6. having fun with family 7. watching cartoons 8. playing on the computer 9. playing on my tablet 10. camping with family

  7. koolkula says:

    Spending time with family, picnic, vacation, sports, reading, playing webkinz, going swimming in the pool, the beach, sleeping in, riding a bike, hanging out with friends

  8. Aubrina8 says:

    1.) Playing with my friends 2.) Watching fireworks 3.) Water skiing at the lake 4.) Running through the sprinklers 5.) Eating strawberry popsicles 6.) Going to Farmer’s Market 7.) Watching and marching in parades 8.) Playing Webkinz! 9.) Hiking 10.) Playing with my pet ducks and dogs

  9. racoon33413 says:

    Water gun fights, Go to the beach, Go to the zoo with family, Make Popsicles, Sleep overs, catch Fireflies, go with friends to get ice cream, camp and make marshmellows, make a picnic, and bulid a fort inside my house

  10. supersorcerygames says:

    I am trying to enter but it keeps saying We’re sorry, you have already entered this contest with a wrong answer. How can there be a wrong answer? I filled out everything and did the answer correct 52.

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