Win Some Tasty Jams!

Watch for the floating empty Jam Jar between now and July 28! When you find it, click on it and fill in your details to receive one of four special Berry Festival jams!

Limit of one prize per Webkinz World account per day.

79 Responses to Win Some Tasty Jams!

  1. erannoy21 says:

    what if we found a filled jar of the purple berry? i feed it to my pet because i did not know what to do, can you please explain to me what to do with the filled jars!

  2. buttercup5921 says:


  3. mathgeek says:

    I clicked on it on July 14, and it said the contest was over, and I didn’t get a prize on Webkiz. :(

  4. cutefinn373 says:

    i Just got the moonberry jar!!!!! woohoo!

  5. glitteringevening says:


  6. jcmscpzkkprao says:

    How awesome! I love it, and my pets love it too! :)

  7. Raga says:

    Too bad I’ve been on here for 2 hours and never saw it once but the floaty table keeps coming across. Ugggh. So frustrating.

  8. popopopppp says:

    thats awsome i LOVE webkinz i have like 22 accounts

  9. bluejeans says:

    that is cool

  10. bpmoose says:

    I wish these jars were objects, they would look very nice set on a table or that they actually awarded prizes when fed to our pets like the other ad had mentioned.

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