Wombat Winners!

Congratulations to Tracy, Ellie, Esther, Maeve and Abby! They’re our randomly selected winners and have each been sent a Secret Code for a virtual Wombat, May’s Pet of the Month!

We wanted to know what your favorite tulip color was and red received the most votes!

Poll results are unrelated to winner selection.

The Okapi Contest is now open! Tell us your top 10 Mother’s Day gifts for a chance to win a virtual Okapi in time for June!

27 Responses to Wombat Winners!

  1. cathouse2 says:

    I did not win this one. >> cathouse2

  2. guineapiggy322 says:

    Woo HOOO! sorry for he capital letters I’m sooo exited that I won! ps Orange Starburst there are green tulips look it up on google images its well very interesting

    • okira says:

      You WON?!?!?!?!?!?! AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!! What will you name your new Wombat?

    • Orange Starburst says:

      U WON!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whats your name? Thanks for green tulips info. Probably going 2 print out a picture of the green tulip & post it in my room. *Your friend, Orange Starburst*

  3. Orange Starburst says:

    CONGRATS WINNERS!!!!!!!!!!!! You guys must be super excited right now. Mine favie is purple. Green is my favie color but can u imagine a green tulip???? My dads favie color is red. :D *Your friend, Orange Starburst*

  4. imeeyore says:

    Congratulations to all the winners!!

  5. cece945 says:

    CONGRATS!!!:D You guys are lucky :) I entered also but didnt win….better luck next time ~cece945~

  6. Skiddly says:

    Wow! Conratulations to the winners! My brother has a wombat, and it’s really cute!

  7. Webkinzlover346 says:

    Congrats everyone!!!!!!!!!!

  8. MDIChickadee says:

    Wow! Red is a great color for tulips! And congrats to all the winners! All the best! MDIChickadee

  9. Luckydog863 says:

    Congradulations to you all. How lucky! I never win anything…

    • dewdrop says:

      So sorry you missed out on winning Luckydog863, I hope you win something sooner or later,It is hard to win as there is probably a million entries.Don’t give up,if you can enter do so. I am unable as I am not in the U.S.A ect and I so wish I could enter as the prizes are great :( All the Best Of Luck for your next entry :) :) dew

  10. Silverstreamforeverx says:

    Congrats you five! Man, wish I won! :)

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