Chat with Alyssa & Nafaria

Spring Celebration 2014 Image Map


15 Responses to Chat with Alyssa & Nafaria

  1. IDoNotHateThee says:

    Nafaria is sneaky, even pretending to do something good. Someday she will regret this.

  2. juliettastarfly says:

    I always did much prefer Nafaria to Alyssa. XD

  3. Doglove says:

    lol the bitten egg was funny. I have multiple bunny hats,ducky smocks,egg onesies and basket hats( and lots of room stuff as well ) but still no flower hat thing or clock tower( i don’t think i’ll get either of those by the end of the egg hunt)

  4. Hhayes says:

    WOW Alyssa still sounds mad she should forgive its EASTER the best day EVER for forgiving

  5. millapuppy says:

    lol nafari im sorry

  6. Twistersmom says:

    Thanks Nafaria! I like hunting for the eggs, it reminds me of the Treasure Hunt they have here in Webkinz Newz. I enjoyed looking for the eggs it was a lot easier than waiting for it to float by. I hope they bring back treasure hunt from time to time.

  7. LovesStaffordshires says:

    The clock tower I haven’t gotten yet, though it’s not much of a surprise, & I haven’t gotten the ducky smock yet, either. :(

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