Submitted by: gra with Peppermint
What you need:
- 2 Blue Foam Boards
- Cotton Balls
- Zumbuddies Pictures
- Sharp Knife
- Pencil
- Hot Glue gun
- Hot Glue
- Scissors
What you do:
- Take two large pieces of blue foam board.
- In one of the pieces of foam board, cut 3 holes big enough for the Zums to fit through. Have an adult do the cutting with a sharp knife.
- Take the second piece of foam board and cut it in half, lengthwise.
- Take each of these halves, measure half way down the long edge and make with a pencil.
- Mark the middle of the short sides.
- Draw a line between the two marks.
- Cut along this line on both pieces. Discard the small cut off pieces.
- Hot glue the straight side of one of the half pieces of foam board to the back, right side of the whole piece of foam board with the holes cut in it.
- Hot glue the straight side of the second half piece to the back of the left side of the whole piece of foam boards.
- Print pictures of Zumbuddies.
- Cut the Zumbuddies pictures and paste them on the foam board.
- Hot glue cotton balls around the holes to look like clouds
Do you have a great idea for a craft, recipe or party game? We’d love to hear them!
I have about four(???) Zums in my basement. Should find them soon..
one problem… and one zum! i only have one zum so i’ll use my lil’ kinz.
omg, SOOOO making this!!! :D
yyyaayyyyyy! i love art and crafts so ill love this! p.s. it would be better if their were more crafts.
Incredible! Amazing job!