A NEW Dark Queen is arriving in Webkinz World!

October’s theme is Dark Queen!


Inside the Dark Queen?? Box you may find one of these items:


A Dark Queen Bed fit for a queen—even if they do have dark dreams! All of those hours spent hatching sinister plots can be quite tiring!


Your Dark Queen can gaze into the flickering flames of the Dark Queen Fireplace as they ponder their next perilous plot! It will also help to warm up a room after a few cold and sinister stares!


The sinister stained glass Dark Queen Window is a magnificent addition to your Dark Queen’s tower walls! Its cool colors create just the right setting for some besieged brooding!


Your Dark Queen deserves only the finest of furnishings, so make sure you decorate with the gorgeous gothic Dark Queen Sofa! A marvelous match for any malevolent monarch!


A few magic Dark Queen Wall Art talismans on the wall should really set the scene for your Dark Queen!


Your Dark Queen is sure to stir up all sorts of sinister creations with the cool Dark Queen Cauldron! When you get a dinner invite from the Dark Queen, just make sure you bring along a food taster!








You may find the Dark Queen ?? Box and other October Specials at eStore starting October 1, 2017!







19 Responses to A NEW Dark Queen is arriving in Webkinz World!

  1. _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

    Pretty cool theme! I like the open/3Dness of the wallpaper too. It looks really neat!

  2. blackball says:

    hay, amapleleaf soccergirl I’ll take for the pirate firepit for the dispenser. friend me at gwenandre

  3. MONKEYSMILE05 says:

    Top of a room I added 2 dark queen fire places like a “V” shape and added the Wacky fridge to the farthest top corner like a white ghost . I added a road black tile to the corner floor and a grave next to the fridge behind the fire place . I have a white table with eyes at the bottom and 2 spider web chairs . I gotta look for a single candle for a sayance . GL

  4. FoxesRule612 says:

    Welcome to the dark side….we have COOKIES!! XD

  5. 4everwebby says:

    Awesome as always, thank you for all of wonderful new items. I agree with pj1215 as cool as the wallpaper looks that design as well as some of the others that are similar limits how the room can be arranged. Can’t wait to start with the fun.

  6. 1955tiny says:

    I really like the dragon light next to the fire place. I just hope it isn’t so HARD to get each piece . While I like extra but like the clothing bag 15 bags and still no Belle hair. It makes people not want to get more again :( . I still cant find pirate fire :( . PLEASE have a MAKE UP and let us choose items we missed !!

  7. bubbashuka says:

    The purples and black go so nicely together, I love this theme! I love the fireplace. :)

  8. neenz223 says:

    Sometimes I get tired of the color purple on Webkinz but I really like this theme. Much better than the new haunted castle theme. Thanks, Ganz!

  9. pj1215 says:

    This is a beautiful room. I love the flooring and all the furniture, especially the couches, but I am not a lover of the wallpaper.

  10. hannah5banana says:

    Love, love, love the bed! And the fireplace is awesome too :)

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