Create a beautiful Grape Garden this August!

August Special: Grape Garden item Pack!


Get your pet’s vineyard off to a grape start with this great Grape Garden Pack! Your pet will soon gain a new appreciation for every glass of grape juice!


Turn your pet’s room into a gorgeous grape garden with the whimsical Grape Garden Wallpaper and beautiful brick Grape Garden Flooring! Your pet is sure to quickly become a great grape connoisseur!


The beautiful Grape Garden Barrel Bed is a divine place for your pet to take a nap! They’ll be dreaming of the next perfect glass of grape juice!


The secluded Grape Garden Arch Bench is a great place for your pet to rest and relax after a long day out in the vineyard! The arch is deliciously decorated with some gorgeous grapes!


You may find the Grape Garden Pack and other August Specials at eStore!




4 Responses to Create a beautiful Grape Garden this August!

  1. fluff54 says:

    Why can’t we buy the bench separate?!

  2. migrubbs says:

    I hope you can make my Grape Gorilla or Grape Lion pet ideas for this theme. For the Woodland Fairy theme, I hope you’ll make some pets to match it.

  3. CaramelKisses33 says:

    Oh wow, nice beds and other decorations! I just LovE this theme! And is that a grape soda dispenser?

  4. LovesStaffordshires says:

    I wish I could get this theme, especially the bed. :( Pittiesrule

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