Create your own A-Mazing Maze!




Create your own Maze
with Corn Field Section pieces!




Whether you’re looking to build boundaries or create a twisty-turny maze, the Corn Field Section is for you! Ideal for a very creepy castle, too.

You may find this and so much more at both Ganz and Webkinz eStores!

66 Responses to Create your own A-Mazing Maze!

  1. layla37167 says:

    you can even do it with the square hedges of grass of course it is so cool i give out the best consishions and they can even help you win contest add me on webkinz thx ~layla37167~ P.S.By the way my webkinz user is layla37167. plz and thx

  2. Grelot says:

    ugh, the e-store is just getting on my nerves its like evreything that is a cool item has to be the e-store i dont even know how to get e-store points

  3. Grelot says:

    Grelot,great idea! I will not be able to get it because its e store!

  4. OctoberShine says:

    I don’t think there should be an estore. :( Webkinz was so much more fun when it was simpler. :( :( :( I really like the corn though.

  5. 2009zoona says:

    you can always use other materials in the webkinz shop other than using things at the ganzestore right!!!

  6. holls says:

    i love this too much!!! I thought about getting it … Until ganz e store came up …

  7. kel46 says:

    Guys, you do know it says GANS store too…

  8. rrosethecatt says:

    I understand that Ganz needs to make money, but why is much put into the estore! :(

  9. gm2bear says:

    you can make a corn maze —the regular store has decorative corn and pumplins that look so much better than the e-store version

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