Decorate Your Yard With Fairy Forest Trees!

 Create your own customized Enchanted Tree!
One tree, multiple styles!

Enchanted Trees are very unique trees that start as Enchanted Saplings that you can customize into one of nine different designs!


Drag and drop Enchanted Saplings into your pet’s room to open the Enchanted Tree interface. Select from three different treetops, trunks and bases to create your own customized Enchanted Tree! With all the options available, you can easily create your very own Enchanted Forest! 


Fairy Forest Tree spotlight:


Here is an example of just a few of the different designs:


Want to know more? Check out our Enchanted Sapling video on YouTube!


The Enchanted Saplings are available in Ganz eStore as well as the Fun Stuff/Saplings section W Shop!


29 Responses to Decorate Your Yard With Fairy Forest Trees!

  1. kaitgomez says:

    These are so pretty!

  2. SamDean says:

    Sorry for the unrelated inquiry, but has anyone else ever had an issue placing a DIY item? I made a purple rug and placed it in a room, but when I rotated it it disappeared. It’s no where in my dock and if I try to place another rug in that spot it acts like something is already there.

    • obie987 says:

      I had something similar happen to me also with a purple rug, today. I moved it from one side of the room to the other and it just disappeared and I can not find it in my dock, or in my room. I did not try to put something in it’s place so not sure about that part.

    • Sollace says:

      If you made a DIY rug, you can remove it from a room and it goes in your dock. Either it goes to the ‘new’ area or decorations (rugs). Something could be blocking it, why not remove the items where it is and see if it’s there in your room? Either way, hope this helps. I have made wallpaper and removed it and it sits in my dock. Same with rugs. Good luck!

      • SamDean says:

        I did try removing the furniture from that area the day it happened but it didn’t help. I even tried clicking the spot where rug was while in edit mode but no change. Thank you though.

    • vcela1872 says:

      I have the same problem and it has been months. I have not figured out how to tix it. Ironically, mine is a purple rug also. Staff any suggestions to fix this problem?

    • coolcattx says:

      It also happened to a purple rug for me as well. I contacted Ganz support and they were able to remove it. I haven’t tried putting it back in the same spot though – afraid I’ll have the same problem again!

  3. megamom12 says:

    The saplings are so much fun!

  4. lucylane556 says:

    DARN It’s eStore! I was so excited, it looked so cool! My mom won’t let me get estore points, so I can’t buy any of the cool things. :(

  5. aoi says:

    i like the purple

  6. emster7 says:

    These are beautiful — definitely saving up for a couple of them!

  7. Puppy789 says:

    Ooo I love the trees. Also, when will the sunset giraffe contest winners be announced? And when will the design a vacation island souvenir winners be announced also? (The one with the tropical island puppy) Thanks! ❤️

  8. ultrasonic3 says:

    Bravo designers! These are gorgeous! Maybe this could be on a future super wheel for those of us who don’t have an estore account. (Fingers crossed)

  9. starbrite1 says:

    Also, off-topic but my candy egg seeds from the wheel of wow are not growing :( is anyone else having this problem? Ganz, will this issue be fixed?

  10. starbrite1 says:

    These are beautiful, love the customizable trees!

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