Is your Pet Fashionably Ready for Back To School?
Get your pet ready for Back to School with some cool new looks found inside the 2023 Back To School Gift Bag!
Everyone could use a little stylish surprise!
You may randomly find any one of the below in the 2023 Back to School Gift Bag!
• Wolf Cut Wig
• Lavender Bob Wig
• Black Side Swept Wig
• Lavender Bob Wig
• Black Side Swept Wig
• Graphic Tracksuit
• Statement Denim Jumpsuit
• Lilac Boots

You may find these wigs and clothing pieces and more at eStore!
how long does the school bags last?
I LOVE all of the clothing & wish that I could get them. Pittiesrule
For anyone who only has access to the mobile app, I’d like to help you out. Send me the design ticket, the furniture, clothing or divider, and the correct die and I’ll put it through the clothing machine and send it back. Send me a friend request or leave a comment with your username. Mine is teamascot
so I just realized that mobile players cannot have friends… Webkinz team since there is a way to add friends in Next on mobile, is it possible to add this feature to Classic? I really would like to help these players. Crossing my fingers you can find a way to do this!
I like the boots and the denim jumpsuit. Can pets wear belts with a jumpsuit, or does it count as a dress where belts are not functional? I never knew that that one hairstyle was called a ‘wolf cut’. Hmmmmm…