All Spooky Webkinz are Welcome Here
It’s that Halloween Time of Year!
Ganz eStore has tons of pets and items to choose from when creating your spook-tacular rooms!
Wishing you a FaBOOlous Halloween!
QUESTION – T picture above place 2 graves BEHIND THE BED in different directions and 1 behind the Scarecrow or a VACATION ISLAND TIKI TORCH behind the scarecrow.Move the bed back closer to the Haunted sign. Take the GARGOYLE MOVE IT !! Right now you CAN’T TOUCH it to get it to light !!
Rocks in front by graves remove them add the GRAY BUNNY and DUCK friend set between graves. Where fence and corn are place a bus stop bench . On one side the DOWN ARROW and rocks from Adventure Park . On the other side the UP ZUM SIGN from ZUMWHERE ;) Heaven or Hell waiting spot ;). A single red poppy can be placed on a good grave the down arrow sign on bad ;). GLE1 BE CREATIVE THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX !!
Please!!!!!!! Have another design a pet contestzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! And I mean Z not S.
On a completely unrelated note, I was opening a box from KinzPost when I was logged off of my account. When I logged back on, the box had managed to get into my dock. However, I can’t open it or get rid of it (even though I’d still like what’s inside). What do I do?
You’ll need to get in touch with customer service at and they can remove it :)
I still miss when we could let our Growing Plants corn and pumpkin plants wither and dry out for that extra spooky and deserted look to our gardens ……
me too! my haunted corn maze just isn’t quite as spooky with healthy, delicious-looking, ready-to-harvest corn.
Same here I have a corn field in a tree room with the scarecrow shown above The corn used to wither and look awesome with the night sky and MOON as it moves . I ad a TIKI torch and grave just behind te scarecrow . It looks cool with a flame and ghost coming out from behind.