NEW Winter Solstice Stag is leaping into Webkinz World!


* Webkinz Winter Solstice Stag will be available until February 28, 2013.



35 Responses to NEW Winter Solstice Stag is leaping into Webkinz World!

  1. hailey says:

    this rain deer is the cutest pet i want one

  2. ambereyes199 says:

    very impressive. Good work, Ganz!

  3. crcornell11 says:

    i hope i get that cute and adorable pet mine sure is lonley

  4. iloveganz4ever says:

    gotta have it <3

  5. ilovepopcorn1147 says:

    Dose it come as a plushy?

  6. sheo1 says:

    Definitely going to buy this pet.

  7. madison says:

    soooooooooooooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. jana says:

    want it now! so awesome!!

  9. lluvia says:

    please give one :(

  10. AKgirlLG says:

    I LOVE it And have it so cute!

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