Oak Tree Saplings make the Perfect Companion!

This delightful and decorative Oak Tree Sapling will be a charming reminder of the changing seasons! Such a sweet little sapling will look so special!


Looks great when matched up with the Autumn Patio Gazebo too!


You may find a new Kinz Cottage and companion item each month at eStore!


5 Responses to Oak Tree Saplings make the Perfect Companion!

  1. alucard says:

    The Oak Saplings are really cute, but what is the white (paper? paint?) around the trunks? I don’t really care for that. Looks weird.

  2. Cassette says:

    Love the little saplings!

  3. Alexandrite_Ledger says:

    Oh my gosh, THEY’RE SO CUTE.

  4. mfaull says:

    Another fun item!

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